I forgot to mention she is a kanay. MORE REASONS I LOVE YOUR STORY
3. Plot. The plot is so interesting. It's not so far from the show, but it's far enough that it's unique.
3. Your suspense makes me wanna read more.
5. I love how you developed Emma. He still cries a lot like she would in the show, but she still has some type of backbone.
6. I love their parties . It makes them more fun.
7. The story is like a series. People come and go and it always leave ou on your toes. It is well written. No fluff.
8. Everyone has more than one personality. Unlike the show, there is a part to everyone that is hidden. The show doesn't show it as well. Emma's backbone shows more, Andi's gushy side, ect. The show shows the obvious ones like Jax's sweet side, but yours has more.
9. Yours isn't as PG as the show. Teens aren't PG and you show it.
10. Even though it's fiction, it's kind if realistic. Yours is real and truthful. No crappy TV reactions. It's what people would ACTUALLY do. I love the show, but Yours is more real.
11. It makes me think differently of the show . Now when I watch EWW , I expect to see Mac and parties and Marisol. Then I remeber, WAIT ITS FANFICTION so after I watch it I read your latest chapter over.