
"Taking a breath, I brought myself up to my full height as I looked at him. "Actually Jacob, that's ex..."


"I pulled back to see him frowning. My eyebrows crinkled in annoyance. What was he frowning about? It was true. He needed a haircut! “You should stop that.” He ordered moodily. “You always call me by my last name, Blake.” He pouted. “Why don’t you just call me Daniel?” He asked. “I want you to call me Daniel. I demand that as of today you shall call me Daniel and not Blake!” He announced looking at me sternly. I found myself nodding my head, and jumping into an upright position myself.
          “And I shall forever forth be known as in Tinky Winky but not!” I raised my fist in the air as I made the declaration.
          Daniel snorted loudly. “Lala? Why would you want to be Lala?” He asked shaking with his laughter.
          I glared at him. “Why wouldn’t I want to be Lala? She’s a Teletubie, she’s yellow, she has a television in her belly, she has a swirl on her head, and best of all she had a giant bouncy ball!” I fought for her. “She would make an awesome superhero!” I stated as an afterthought. I could see her with a cape tied around her neck and sending a punch to Mojo-Jojo. I scrunched my nose up. I’m pretty sure I was mixing shows up there.
          “I thought Teletubies had to go by that whole non-violence theme. She would make the world’s worst superhero.” I thinned my lips at him.
          “Nothing is solved by violence anyway.” I told him folding my arms.
          “So if there were a giant monster killing everything it sets its eyes on you’re saying that instead of killing the bastard you’d get him coffee and try to have a reasoning chat with him.” He asked in disbelief."


"“It’s a long story, but basically, I went shopping for my sisters birthday present, I found a necklace but Blake’s dad is lazy, so then I had to refrain myself from hitting a pregnant lady with a 100 pound cot, there was some lemonade and a CD, and then Blake pushed feeble old people and defenceless small children to the ground, and then everyone in the park seems to have no problem with a teenage boy attacking a small helpless girl in public, as they did nothing to help me whatsoever.” Okay maybe I needed to let that go now..."