
TLCK is back go binge read it on Inkitt. My Liam is back. I'm hank funckin* marvin for this series. If someone wants to read the best mafia book series to ever exist this is it. 


My apologies for sliding into your Conversations board uninvited. I just wanted to grab your attention to my stories.
          There is an arranged marriage story "Billion Dollar Wedding", a teen romance "Violet Hues", a young adult "Aurora's Aura", and some mafia romances "His Captive" , "Becoming Romeo".
          Once again, I'm sorry for intruding.  
           Have a nice day ahead!!!


Hey there! Sorry for posting without permission. Hope you are doing good. If your time permits please check out my stories and give me your valuable comments on them. I would love to know your thoughts on my story.
          Happy Reading


Hello. I'm Ashleigh Wilkes. I started writing because I was appalled at the deluge of books here that glossed over cheating and abuse --- physical, verbal and emotional --- and had the bafflingly "kind" female leads forgive these heinous monsters only too willingly and too easily. Bizzarely, these cheaters with their "Greek God-like" looks only had to wink or smirk --- or do both --- and the female leads would dissolve into a pile of salivating, mindless jelly, and all the humiliation and abuse she had been subjected to wouldn't matter. Blink, and behold: she's in bed with the abuser faster than you can say P A T H E T I C.
          We women are not weak and spineless. We are not toys to be broken, or doormats to be trampled on.
          We women are strong, brave and beautiful.
          Stripping a female protagonist of her pride and dignity in a book renders her a caricature, a mere thing, and not a woman.  
          A woman deserves respect. A woman deserves loyalty. A woman deserves fidelity.
          My books were plagarised and I deleted my account. It took me a long time to come back. I wrote a new book, I Still Love You But, and rewrote Karma, my very first book. I am rewriting Paper Wife and it is ongoing.
          Thank you for reading this.