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isnotreal is carpet bombing civilian homes in lebanon. 558 innocent lives were stolen in a single day, with 1,500+ wounded—a devastating toll of human suffering. this is genocide, ongoing in plain sight and not only enabled, but armed and funded by the west. please donate to one of the following organisations, which are providing critical support to those affected, such as medical aid, food, and assistance to displaced families. if you are unable to donate, please share these links on any social media platforms you have. ➤ ahla fawda, ngo @alicentluvr has worked with and whose founder she knows personally: https://tinyurl.com/ahla-fawda ➤ the lebanese red cross: https://www.supportlrc.app/ ➤ the lebanese food bank: https://lebanesefoodbank.org/take-action/donate/

isnotreal is carpet bombing civilian homes in lebanon. 558 innocent lives were stolen in a single day, with 1,500+ wounded—a devastating toll of human suffering. this is genocide, ongoing in plain sight and not only enabled, but armed and funded by the west. please donate to one of the following organisations, which are providing critical support to those affected, such as medical aid, food, and assistance to displaced families. if you are unable to donate, please share these links on any social media platforms you have. ➤ ahla fawda, ngo @alicentluvr has worked with and whose founder she knows personally: https://tinyurl.com/ahla-fawda ➤ the lebanese red cross: https://www.supportlrc.app/ ➤ the lebanese food bank: https://lebanesefoodbank.org/take-action/donate/

i know a lot of my mooties like to get commissions of their ocs, and i've just found out about this really wonderful project. a number of talented artists in the asoiaf community have come together to raise money for a family in palestine who sadly lost their home. please check it out and share it around!! https://www.tumblr.com/asoiafpalestine/760626997758230528/donate-to-support-sirajs-family-in-rebuilding

dany themeee


Are you still doing covers??

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this is a reminder to continue using your daily click, or begin to do so if you have not already. each click of the button on the page i have linked below equates to a small donation to unrwa, a un agency that supports the relief and human development of palestinian refugees: ➤ https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/ if you have to, set a scheduled daily reminder on your phone to use your click. keep talking about palestine, keep contacting your reps, keep boycotting, keep protesting, keep sharing information and resources, and keep palestinians in your prayers and in your hearts. the jabalia refugee camp was targeted by isrli airstrikes again this morning. an entire residential block was obliterated and 150+ palestinians were massacred. a child’s corpse was found on a neighbour’s roof, thrown by the explosions. WE MUST NOT BECOME DESENSITISED. WE MUST NOT LOOK AWAY. i don’t care if this information makes you uncomfortable or upset. it fucking should. we owe it to that child and ALL palestinians to bear witness to isrl’s crimes and grieve for the innocent lives that have been lost. 21 members of journalist moemen al-sharifi’s family were killed this morning. in just one day, this man has lost his parents, sister, brothers, sisters-in-law, nieces and nephews, and many others. rescue workers are unable to recover their bodies yet, but still moemen has the unbelievable strength to stand in front of a camera and speak on it — and he is just one testament of many to the unshakeable resilience of the palestinian spirit. if they can continue to fight, even in the face of horrific loss, even after decades of genocide and ethnic cleansing, the least we can do is use our privilege to speak up and ensure their voices don’t go unheard. ➤ https://x.com/HindHassanNews/status/1732450991151153318?s=20

(1/3) as i briefly referenced in my previous post, there is a genocide happening in congo right now. not so coincidentally, this genocide is ALSO funded and orchestrated by amerikkka, isrl, and european colonial powers. the democratic republic of the congo has the world’s largest reserves of cobalt and the seventh largest reserves of copper — two metals that are essential for much of our technology, namely smartphones and vapes (the latter of which are a HUGE environmental liability as they are non-recyclable and 4.5 are discarded per second, generating 7.6 MILLION tons of e-waste each year in the us ALONE). cobalt is toxic to touch and breathe — yet there are hundreds of thousands of exploited congolese forced to do both (with no training or protective equipment) for the equivalent of just one dollar per day. many congolese have been trafficked by militia groups in rwanda and uganda, who have invaded congo (specifically its reserves) with the financial support of western nations. 50 women are sexually-assaulted each hour, and 40,000 enslaved children are toiling in the reserves as you read this post — some as young as 4 years-old, working in EXTREMELY unsafe conditions for 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. thus far, over 6 MILLION congolese have been killed (half of which are children) so that the western world can benefit from congo’s natural resources. there are two HUGE things that you can do to help, free of charge: purchase used/refurbished electronics and quit vaping. do not enable and give your money to these tech companies. doing so = paying for the ongoing slavery and genocide of congolese.

(3/3) @congofriends on instagram and @1tsjustjess, @sabiesbooks, and @readingafricana on tiktok have been sharing a ton of information and resources as well, for anyone looking to get more posts about congo on their feed: ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@1tsjustjess ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@sabiesbooks ➤ https://www.tiktok.com/@readingafricana ➤ https://www.instagram.com/congofriends?igshid=MmVlMjlkMTBhMg%3D%3D if you are searching for documentaries about the crisis, i have found a list which also includes where the media is available to watch; i have also found a tiktok with a collection of books that explain congo’s history and what the congolese have been and continue to go through: ➤ https://tinyurl.com/4y6552mw ➤ https://tinyurl.com/4up6t4h6

(2/3) the good shopping guide put together an ethical comparison ratings table of mobile phones (https://thegoodshoppingguide.com/subject/ethical-mobile-phones/). only two brand names (fairphone and nokia) were given a passing score. fairphone uses sustainable and recycled products to produce their phones, and the specs of the fairphone 4 (https://shop.fairphone.com/fairphone-4) are comparable to any smartphone on the market. they also co-founded the fair cobalt alliance (https://www.faircobaltalliance.org/), which seeks “to remediate child labour, enable safe and dignified working conditions, raise worker incomes, and achieve market acceptance of fair asm cobalt.” if you MUST buy new or don't feel comfortable purchasing even secondhand from an unethical company, consider fairphone as an alternative — they are the only smartphone brand i was able to find that specifically addresses the genocide happening in congo. if you would like to make a donation, consider the following organisations: ➤ https://t.ly/s0Xnv (canada) ➤ https://t.ly/0hjcB (canada) ➤ https://t.ly/FbIKo (canada) ➤ https://tinyurl.com/2mhn8sbe (the us) ➤ https://tinyurl.com/a7d2epwp (the us) ➤ https://tinyurl.com/mryfrvme (the us) ➤ https://panzifoundation.org/ (the us) ➤ https://www.easterncongo.org/ (the us) ➤ https://tinyurl.com/fhp6mjuv (the uk) ➤ https://tinyurl.com/4hpvrr66 (the uk) ➤ https://tinyurl.com/35ud2daw (the uk) ➤ https://www.congoaction.co.uk/ (the uk) ➤ https://tinyurl.com/4bbruh28 (the uk) ➤ https://tinyurl.com/bdeaxkjm (the uk) ➤ https://tinyurl.com/4hr7kfx8 (australia) ➤ https://tinyurl.com/pudjb3bp (australia) ➤ https://mhcdasa.org.au/ (australia)

(1/2) over 700 palestinians were murdered at the hands of the iof yesterday. that is at least 29 innocent human lives taken every HOUR, and one of the highest daily death tolls thus far. several of the brave palestinian journalists i follow have lost hope and made farewell posts. bisan, motaz, and plestia (@wizard_bisan1, @motaz_azaiza, and @byplestia on instagram) are in their twenties, what most consider to be the “prime years” of life, yet they are preparing to die. they have lived with targets on their backs to be our eyes and ears in palestine, taking on responsibilities that never should have been theirs in the first place and shining light on the atrocities committed by the iof (whilst western media outlets cast a shadow) — but the world is failing them and palestine. technology has given us more power than ever before, yet still so many REFUSE to use the platforms they have been granted. people can’t even shop from alternative coffeehouses and fast food chains because “convenience”. i’m sick, sick and angry, but i continue to hope. palestine will be free. all people living under oppression — from congo, to sudan, to yemen, to haiti, to panama, to hawaii — will be free. we will see this within our lifetime. in my previous mb post, i shared a compilation of links by which you can support palestine and/or educate yourself. i have also come across two tumblr pages with actively updated and thorough information and resource lists, which i have attached below and encourage everyone to follow: ➤ https://www.tumblr.com/sulfurcosmos/732456971539775488/how-you-can-help-palestine ➤ https://www.tumblr.com/killyfromblame/732353000561065984/my-intention-in-posting-all-these-is-as-follows-i?source=share

(2/2) we NEED to keep posting, making donations, boycotting, sharing resources, showing up in the streets, and pressuring politicians. the longer a conflict lasts, the more people tend to give up on raising awareness. DON’T!!! that is EXACTLY what the system wants you to do. anyone not calling for a ceasefire and an end to all military aid is complicit. our outrage and solidarity with palestine were decisive in forcing the us-isrl genocidal axis to accept a temporary “ceasefire” in the first place (if you can even call it that, given isrl’s continuous slaughter of lebanese and syrians, as well as palestinians in the west bank). we cannot stop speaking out now — not until there is a PERMANENT ceasefire and an end to the apartheid settler colony that is isrl. FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA.

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(1/2) as of this week, the euro-med human rights monitor reports that the death toll of the israeli genocide in gaza has surpassed 20,000 palestinians. over 1 million survivors have been displaced with no access to basic human rights, such as food (including baby formula), water, or electricity. hundreds of thousands of menstruating people have no access to essential sanitary products. families have been forced to carry loved ones with disabilities for several kilometres after fleeing their houses, with the long journeys made even more arduous by the rubble of what once was heritage sites, hospitals, schools, mosques, and homes. FUCK YOUR TWO-STATE “SOLUTION”. FUCK AMERIKKKA. FUCK KLANADA. FUCK ISNOTREAL. IT’S LAND BACK OR NOTHING. FROM THE RIVER TO THE SEA, PALESTINE WILL BE FREE!!! i have compiled a list of resources, but i am pleading my moots to comment below/dm me with any others they have found so that i can post them on my mb as well. everyone else, please share the links! regardless of how many followers you have, no platform is insignificant. we must all amplify palestinian voices. they need us. to my US friends: call your representatives! i understand talking on the phone is a source of anxiety for many, but the process is SO simple (under five minutes!) and there are a ton of scripts available to follow online, including under the attached link: ➤ https://www.jewishvoiceforpeace.org/resource/urgent-tell-congress-to-stop-fueling-violence/ to my fellow canadians: email your mp! pressure our government and prime sinister! the form under the second link takes less than a minute to fill out. there is literally no valid excuse not to. contact information of members of parliament: ➤ https://www.ourcommons.ca/en/contact-us letter campaign by sahar salha: ➤ https://actionnetwork.org/letters/pressure-the-canadian-government-to-condemn-israel-protect-palestine?source=direct_link

(2/2) international steps (as well as additional steps for americans and canadians) to push for a permanent ceasefire: ➤ https://ceasefiretoday.com a wonderful resource to learn more about palestinian history and culture: ➤ https://decolonizepalestine.com a variety of publishing companies are currently offering free ebooks on palestine. don’t miss this opportunity — educate, agitate, organise! ➤ https://www.versobooks.com/en-ca/blogs/news/solidarity-with-palestine-free-resources-and-further-reading ➤ https://publishersforpalestine.org ➤ https://www.haymarketbooks.org/blogs/495-free-ebooks-for-a-free-palestine each click of the button on this page equates to a donation made to palestine: ➤ https://arab.org/click-to-help/palestine/ the bds movement has created a targeted list of brands to boycott. please note that while this does not cover EVERY large corporation that supports israel, it is recommended to at least use the list as a baseline because a disorganised, non-targeted boycott = a failed boycott. ➤ https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide i’m far from being back on this hellsite, but i’ll be damned if i don’t use my platform when it’s actually warranted. free palestine, always.