
why hello there winky face
          	okay bad start but BASICALLY we've decided that neo charm academy kinda needs to be revamped bc that book was just not it and we aren't comfortable with writing fics about real people </3
          	so we're putting it on hiatus/discontinued at least until we have time to revamp it and change a lot of things ... and that's hard bc we really need to pay attention to school and stuff WE'RE SO SORRY FR LIKE WE FEEL SO BAD :( ( 
          	we're gonna make this an anime fic account yk and write about fictional characters!!  
          	WE'RE SO SORRY like really :((( thank you all for the immense support we got on nca it was the first book we ever wrote and we were proud of it... but so many things can be made better and stuff yk?
          	we hope you understand and tysm again <333


why hello there winky face
          okay bad start but BASICALLY we've decided that neo charm academy kinda needs to be revamped bc that book was just not it and we aren't comfortable with writing fics about real people </3
          so we're putting it on hiatus/discontinued at least until we have time to revamp it and change a lot of things ... and that's hard bc we really need to pay attention to school and stuff WE'RE SO SORRY FR LIKE WE FEEL SO BAD :( ( 
          we're gonna make this an anime fic account yk and write about fictional characters!!  
          WE'RE SO SORRY like really :((( thank you all for the immense support we got on nca it was the first book we ever wrote and we were proud of it... but so many things can be made better and stuff yk?
          we hope you understand and tysm again <333


this message may be offensive
onion we’re sorry to say this but personal shit came up for the both of us and we’re really not feeling it, plus we’ve got our exams coming up so we haven’t really been able to plan anything three days after our hiatus :/
          AND IM SORRY FOR ALWAYS DOING THIS But our hiatuswillbeextendedtillgodknowshowlongokaybye


          we shiuld’ve put a warning saying we’ll never update RIP.
          but we have a double update coming soon so pls wait for
          tbh we lit rally don’t have time at all to work on new chaps
          together because ✨school✨ AND i have no motivation 
          these days </3 anYGAYS HOPE YALL HAVE A G00D DAY BYE NOE