So... I've changed. Basically, I don't want to be one of the many, many people fetishizing Dan and Phil's relationship. I haven't been one of those people for a while actually, my Phan days reached their peak 3 or 4 years ago. But my whole profile felt problematic. I don't want to be part of the problem. I may go through old Phan smuts which I used to comment on and delete my comments, since I regret them. I may not, since I don't have infinite time (unfortunately). I would ask that you bear in mind that I regret many, many comments that I have posted in the past, and ask you not to judge me to harshly on their basis. Furthermore, if you are only following me because of my old name (danisnotontop_) I would ask that you unfollow me, because that isn't who I am anymore. But yeah, here's the new look, there's the reason, let's all get on with our lives and let everyone else get on with theirs.

@welcometosmutland thats exsctly what happened to me a few days ago. i logged in my old account and was like "wow" i made this one instead to continue writing and reading, but in a neater way ツ