So I've found that writing is much like an old teddy bear.
You accidentally leave it by the wayside. You realize it many miles later, but you rationalize it away. Ah, I'm too busy for it. Even if I go back for it, I'll never get around to doing anything with it.
Ten thousand excuses later and just as many life events later, you find it. You dust it off. It's one sorry looking teddy, but it's yours and you've missed it.
That's where I am. Coming back to my writing, even though I've sworn that I'm too busy and I don't need it like I used to. I've gotten married, I've had rollercoaster job switches. And at the end of it all, I decide to start jotting down story ideas again and they start germinating before my eyes.
Setting down a piece of yourself will always be a subtraction and you will always find a way back to it when your senses tell you that you're just not quite whole.
Besides exploring things I've already written,
I've started on an ambition I've had for at least seven years: A Fanfiction of QUAKE. No. Justin Bieber is not playing the character role of Ranger.
I've been binging on creepypastas, so that's another pile of notes that's accumulating.
And the rest... who knows. It just feels good to write.