@weorg You should follow @ProjectAdvice & @ProjectEvangeline because they are campaigns that are dedicated to helping others. @ProjectAdvice was created so people had someone to go to if they needed help. @ProjectEvangeline is a suicide prevention campaign & a suicide awareness campaign inspired by the death of a young girl named Evangeline. I work with both campaigns (I am an admin for @ProjectAdvice & the founder of @ProjectEvangeline), so I know I'm giving you pretty accurate descriptions of both campaigns.
!WE day people, please read!
Some people in my class wanna start a group called WEFuture, if we wrote a book on Wattpad would you please check it out? Thank-you!
She can bring a change. She will bring a change!
I think you'd like this story:
"Persian Princess" by _Halcyon_Days on Wattpad http://w.tt/1XOOgfG.
Waiting for your feedback!