
howleen   !    *    the older wolf all but growls ,  claws tight around the dress in her hand ,  canines bearing and agitation in yellow irises.    *    what have i told you about wearing my stuff   ?  and you can't deny it  —  my fur is NOT this color   !


            *  the pink haired wolf began to chuckle at her older sisters rage of fury and simply sighed, clutching the dress, before clearing her throat  *   you know clawdeen, i would go shopping on my own... but i think your closet is so much better  * and with that she span around, and returned to her bedroom, a small grin dancing on her lips


*    the dress is thrown at the younger wolf ,  anger growing on her features as she lets our a low growl ,,    *    touch another one of my things ,  and i'll tear everything in your closet   !   ugh ,  can't you go shopping on your own   ?


a large smirk begins to grow on howleen’s face, as a snarky comeback begins to bubble in her mind *it’s not my fault that YOUR dress looks better on me !*