
is it okay to be sad? or just be in a unhealthy relationship that might not work out?


hey sorry for not updating Live Dies, I know it seems like I'm making a lot of exuces but I am really busy plus, my mom broke my phone & my tablet broke so the only way I could be using this is either on my computer or my moms phone but I haven't been on the computer in a while but I promises tonight I will update chapter 19 for u guys today promise and if I don't message me to remind me ☺


sometimes, When you have a friendship/ best friend, it's supposed to last longer then u actually expect.... but the what u think will happen. not all friendship stay together. some do, but some just end. Sometimes you just have to understand that when u have a best friend make sure they are really ur best friend. meaning, they are always there for u.. even when something terrible happened to you. BIG TIP: don't let what u had with ur best friend end...
           - Skye Latter