I think the appeal reflects a sense of loneliness felt by society in general, technology is uniting us in some ways and isolating us in other ways. The mind link is interesting in that it allows for quick, private communication that is convenient, but requires proximity to work. I also think part of the appeal is a longing for strong leadership that we feel connected to, which we do not have in the United States, not because of the leaders themselves but because the way the system is set up, with so much power centralized in a place that is so far from most of society’s members. I have always said government needs to localize, and be focused on communities. Packs, while dictatorial and sometimes elitist, still offer a sense of community and belonging that is hard to find in a large country with one centralized government. I was 26 and remember 9/11 very well. That is the one time in my life I really felt a strong identity with being an American. It’s a shame it took a tragedy like that to bring people together, but that is often the case.