رابط للتعليققواعد السلوكبوابة الأمان على واتباد
Awh thanks for voting for me hun ❤ Ded sent you didn't he? He's such a sweetheart XD

@Trying-to-Refine lol. And yeah, you do. Of course hun, its my pleasure entirely (:

@Trying-to-Refine Yea all the boys suck at my age but that's OK I have you Des and myself and thank you for wanting to be my friend :)

@Trying-to-Refine Ohhh okay i understand now. I've had people cheat on me and i know it sucks real bad, but i'm not meaning to sound blunt, but you're eleven. All the boys your age suck anyways so you really shouldn't worry sweetheart, you'll find somebody. But just hold on and enjoy being single if you are. My advice is, that if you can't be happy with the concept of not having a romantic relationship in your life, it will be hard to be happy when you do have one. Just know that when something is really bad that's probably as bad as its going to get, so you just have to hold on until it's over. Even if there's not a rainbow around the corner there is usually at least sunshine. I'm sorry this is so long, i talk a lot lol. But I would love to be your friend too Chelsea (: