
Hi everyone!  I don't know if you're still active or not, but I have started working on my Sirius Black fic again in an attempt to stir my creative juices during this quarantine.  I hat to ask for this, but it would be really cool if you could check it out and leave some comments on it.  Tell me what you like or don't like and what I can improve.  Thank you I love you all! Love, Shan


Thanks for reading and actually commenting on my story <3 it means a lot (:


@lilyastor good luck with your schooling! Graduating is an amazing step toward the rest of your life 


Yeah, it’s funny how that happens aha. And thank you (: that really means a lot. I’m going to keep writing it once my school is completely finished with, I’m graduating this year so it’s a bit stressful. I know where I want it to go, I just need to write jt


Thanks for all your votes on my story (:


@CandidC thank you! You as well. Hopefully all of this will be over soon and we can return to an altered sense of normalcy 


Awww that’s so sweet! I’m glad you’re enjoying it so much—it’s fun to write. I hope you keep reading!  stay safe 


@CandidC ah you're welcome! I am in love with your writing and I think you deserve all the votes in the world :) 


Hi everyone!  I don't know if you're still active or not, but I have started working on my Sirius Black fic again in an attempt to stir my creative juices during this quarantine.  I hat to ask for this, but it would be really cool if you could check it out and leave some comments on it.  Tell me what you like or don't like and what I can improve.  Thank you I love you all! Love, Shan