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alternative names for hamilton songs pt 2!: what did i miss: jeffershits bouta fuck shit up cabinet battle 1: angry dwarf man yelling #2 take a break: love letters and angry eliza say no to this: stayyyyyyyyyyyyy im gayyyyyyyy, or, poor eliza bby bouta get hurt the room where it happens: ya like jazz?? schuyler defeated: angry screams from caribbean immigrant cabinet battle 2: angry dwarf man yelling #3, or, fuck you jeffershits washington on your side: jeffershits is my fave character now i don't make the rules one last time: washingdad taking authority i know him: king george is on our side the addams administration: siddown john we know: hamilton, we vai=ugly think ur embezzling our government funds. HAHA im not! what i am doing is cheating on my wife :) hurricane: i have a lot of ptsd... imma write then the reynolds pamphlet: never gonna be president now. his poor wife burn: sad eliza times, or, FIREEE, or, Fuck you angry dwarf man blow us all away: NO we said a bit of dwarf mans boldness, not more than! stay alive ( reprise ): MY POOR PIP BBY its quiet uptown: FORGIVENESS the election of 1800: HA suck it burr ur obedient servant: he waited for it! best of wives and best of women: leave a note to ur next of kin :( the world was wide enough: NOW UR THE VILLAIN IN HISTORY WHYYY BURRR who lives who dies who tells your story: tears, totally not breaking the fourth wall, TEARSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ok guys here it is for u :) enjoy!