
no bc no matter how hard I tried I still could not fall asleep. 
          	and now here we are.
          	at three in the morning.


I'm pretty sure I need help....today, for instance, I was in a very crowded area and felt like puking and sobbing. Luckily, sometimes, I have very good composure and kept it away. But I started panicking still and when i panic i like pick at my nails or scratch like itching scratch at my arm and shake my leg which is not very fun haha...and I still cry thinking abt it. I've tried my best to tell my mom but it's really hard, I don't even know how to really explain all this :/ I don't know why I freak out like this and I really just wanna help it but I can't, or at least don't know how to. Should I like go see a counselor or something??? Idk man I just really hate it... :/. I hope your guys day went well though, if not I hope tomorrow does<3


If anyone has any advice on how to handle ths kind of stuff, or maybe like personal experiences maybe??? I will definitely take some, I need it haha


listen, I'm all for all sorts of people getting a chance to audition for my school's play, but tell me, if I'm an undertsudy and I actually acted the performance, how is it the man who doesn't do his work in theater class, slacks off, read his monologue and all the cold reads in a dead-pan voice..how does he get in the main cast list..is that all I needed to do??? Oh well, at least he gets a chance at this because if he auditioned it means he wanted to do it


pov: you're working on an assignment you had all summer to do and now it's past due and you're trying to finish it all in one night.


@LeviOsaNOTLeviosAaAa Well Rn i am doing a lot of work cuz I have to pick my gcse subjects so yeah haha-


@-gh0stly_  My school is already killing me with assignments, I miss one day and now I'm being bombarded with make-up work 


@LeviOsaNOTLeviosAaAa oh god- I pray for you, That will probably be me when I have to do assignments 