
          	i’m back from retirement— (i think) 
          	but i’m so sorry for the wait. if you haven’t noticed, i decided to put BRONTIDE on a long hiatus rather than discontinuing it completely.. it might take a bit to fix and patch up, though. 
          	but as for STELLIFY… i plan to come out with the first chapter soon! 
          	i’m so sorry for the long wait. i’ve started working, i play two sports, and now school is starting soon. so… yeah. it’s been pretty hectic lol. 
          	i love you all soooo much! thank you for the endless support. it makes me beyond happy. 


          i’m back from retirement— (i think) 
          but i’m so sorry for the wait. if you haven’t noticed, i decided to put BRONTIDE on a long hiatus rather than discontinuing it completely.. it might take a bit to fix and patch up, though. 
          but as for STELLIFY… i plan to come out with the first chapter soon! 
          i’m so sorry for the long wait. i’ve started working, i play two sports, and now school is starting soon. so… yeah. it’s been pretty hectic lol. 
          i love you all soooo much! thank you for the endless support. it makes me beyond happy. 


hello everyone! i just wanted to thank you all for 10k reads, even though we’re well past that. i never thought it would come to this, in all honesty. thank you all so, so much for the support. it means a lot to me. stay tuned for a new chapter! i love y’all! 


anything for my favorite author <333 
            i love your writing style and the development for characters is so good. happy to be a day one