
Published again after what feels like forever


Used pdf to brain rot sites to try and remember what my own stories were about so i could get into writing them again bc i didn't even remember the characters names. I'm so smart y'all


that’s smart asf


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A BITCH TEXTED ME THE DAMN DAY THAT I CELEBRATED MY BIRTHDAY, TELLING ME TO STOP SPREADING LIES BOUT HER?? Dude i thought i was some random npc who dosen't rlly ever have shit like this and i geniuely only once (in front of her) pointed out that the fact that her friends be bullying and talking shit bout mine is not new info to her. Turns ooouutttttt she blames me for every single little thing that went wrong in her life and for my friends not wanting to be her friends no more. 


@wh3rearetheavocados  she needs to go because what?? Go do something with ur life


@tiflovesbillieeilish and then once i replied (next day cuz i didn't see the messages cuz she archived) she kept texting me LONGASS paragraphs talking bout hersleft as if she's god and i wish i was joking or overdoing it but i've literally never in my life read anything as bad as that. Like....idek how to put it into words, it was SOOO bad. Bro me and gang started fricking tweakinggggg omg it soundes as if she was talking to an c.ai bot or as if chatgpt wrote it or summmmmmm


@wh3rearetheavocados  that’s such a bitchy thing to do like stfu


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Y'all i cemebrated my birthday yesterday and somehow we went from a "we listen and we don't judge" to everyone confessing sum baddd shit. like half of us had an ed, i got myself hit by a car on purpose, my friend has heart problems because she stresses about school too much......it was lowkey weird but kinda comforting ngl


Good night y'all, my birthday's tomorrow, lowkey unexited


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Broo i did my makeup kinda e-girlish today and the boys at my school thought is was soooo fucking funny. I even purposely chose a day where i don't have any classes with the group that always laughs at me but they still saw me. I thought it fit me so well but apparently i'm just rlly fucking emo and weird y'all


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girl fuck these hoes let 'em talk, you’re a baddie don’t forget that!!