
A month ago I met this guy. 
          	He was definitely different, he was kind and good to me, even after we broke up. Which told me two things. One he still had feelings for me and that he would do anything for me. Two he lied he didn't want to end things and he wanted me. Lately he's been a little different not him self. 


A month ago I met this guy. 
          He was definitely different, he was kind and good to me, even after we broke up. Which told me two things. One he still had feelings for me and that he would do anything for me. Two he lied he didn't want to end things and he wanted me. Lately he's been a little different not him self. 


So no one here knows me except a beautiful world. But im here and i hope you love this baby. 5 years ago i met this man who changed my whole world. Not only did i find out i had a little baby growing in my belly but choosing him i had 5 grown babys that i didnt even know. The baby growing inside me grew and grew till she was finally here and even being the mother off boo boo bear i still knew something was missing, and as i came to realize so did deerhunter. He knew that there was babys out there that where growing so fast that they were almost grown. And for 5 years we searched and watched from a distance as these beautiful babys grew stronger and more beautiful everyday. But deerhunters heart grew heavier then i could ever imagine it would and i had to hold him together more and more everyday. Last year deerhunter and i got married and boo boo bear was there but we still had 5 members of our family missing and it wayed on our heart as we said our vowes. We both planned and tryied to get three of our members of our family in our life and hoped that one day we could get them back and be a family again. But as of august one of those members came to find a way to find us and reach out to meet boo boo bear finding that she had 2 new members in the family me and boo boo bear and she fell in love right off the bat. And i also told her about deerhunters heart and how it waid on him that she was not in his live. As the day went on she chose to talk to deerhunter and found out that she loved him just as much as she did when she was longer and the love and relationships grew and grew. 


            Deerhunter and i have realized that the love we had and the dreams we had were nothing to compare to the love and dreams we have noe for her that it was so much bigger then anyone could imagine without having her there in our life and as a new mother to a new child iv never met but could not imagine not loving it is amazing its the best thing i have ever experence aside from the birth and giving life to my beautiful boo boo bear.and in this i say baby girl i love you dearly im so glad you are in our life and i pray that it is always like this from here till after death. I love you baby girl


shouldn't say anything but I've been thinking a lot, and you know how that goes. Since the day I told you how I felt about you no other guy has been worth thinking about and no one makes since to me because I gave you my heart no matter how you feel about me weather its as a sister or whatever else. No matter how much I want to shut off my feelings for you for anyone for that matter I can't because when you truly love someone you don't give up on them at all your amazing in every way possible it took me a long time for me to admit to myself that I loved you, and it took me even longer to admit to you that I loved you. I didn't want to love you at least not in this way, I knew I loved you as my best friend and brother I knew I loved being around you and then I let my guard down and I knew I could open up to you. And because of how I feel I've pushed you away and I'm sorry that I did I'm sorry that I let my feelings get in the way of our friendship but I guess that over now and its my fault. I had hope that you would feel the same way you said you did but anyways I hope one day we can be like we used to be, I pray one day I will have my best friend back and have him to talk to when I feel worthless and like I do nothing but screw everything up I miss how close we used to be


About 3 years ago I met one of  my best friend. He had moved from Dallas Texas. I didn't know that he would be the one to keep me out of trouble even when he was. I didn't know that he would become so special to me in the end. When I first met him I couldn't stand him and he annoyed the mess out of me the first day I met him and it was also the day he became my best friend. I didn't know his story and I didn't know why he acted like a stuck up  jerk and a brat... we had two classes together and one was PE and we didn't really have to do anything. So we just talked, we talked about life and why he moved to such a small town.  And how he even found it, I had lived here for 6 years at the time and he made living here without my papa (grandpa) a little easier. May 18th (my best friend Savannah's birthday even though I didn't know her then) was prom and he  had asked me to go with him and I did. We danced to one slow song and being that close to him and talking to him at that moment I did something we both promised we wouldn't do I fell for him and I was okay with it for that moment I understood the feeling of loving someone for real I was 15 then so I guess you wandering how do I know what love feels like. But I did, I told myself I would keep it to myself that I wouldn't let anyone know.  I knew if I told him or anyone else it would be the end of our friendship or so I thought.... Last week was spring break and I finally told him how I felt, nervous as hell of course like hands shaking as I'm typing (Haha Like I would tell him to his face that would have taken two hours to even get it out)  full of regret and wishing I didn't open my damn mouth, but it was too late he had read it. It took him a few hours but he finally answered because 
          he had his best friend over and would interrupted


Story details part two: us while we were on the phone so he said he would call after he left. When texted me he told me he had feelings for me too. I was in shock, If you want the rest of the story then you can read it in my new story  "Falling like Never Before." You will see when you read the first chapter  how we were the first time we met to now. My point to telling you this now is because I just had to get it off my chest


"And it's crazy to think that your my best friend, and it's even crazier to think that something more could come from it something better. I never thought that I would fall so hard and I never thought I'd be here wondering if you feel the same. But your not like the rest your different, your better even, and maybe that's why I let myself fall for you and maybe just maybe you feel the same. But if you don't then its best to keep my mouth shut and not tell you how I feel because I feel so much and I just I've fallen in way too deep.


Btw this is the text  I sent him.