Heyo, it's ya bois. It's been awhile since we've updated the story and for that we apologize, but it's for a few reasons. First off, school started up a few months ago so we don't have much free time with after school activities and sports. The more dramatic of the two though, is that we aren't happy with the first two chapters we've published. We've decided that we are going to rewrite the first few chapters and publish them as soon as we get a chance. This way the way we've planned the story to go will run a lot more smoothly and will make much more sense. Also, now that a few seasons have been released since then, we can incorporate more recent details *cough, cough* ADAM. We're still haven't decided if we are going to completely unpublish the first two chapters before uploading the rewritten versions, but if you don't see the story on our profile then assume we are still in the works and haven't deleted it yet. We thank you for your patience and support!