
Right, found 'Black' had gone into drafts for some reason, so here we go...


Hi @whatcatydidnext,  Thanks for the follow!  Cheers!  Grati  ;->


@GratianaLovelace Lol You never know when or where an opportunity for naughtiness may occur 


@GratianaLovelace ... And I will never think of a linen closet in the same way again.  Ha!


@whatcatydidnext  That's a very kind thing to say.  And I enjoy your stories as well!  I took a peek at the Mr. Jasper story listing again to see if there is more to come.  It is a jolly saucy tale.  Ha!  Cheers!  Grati  ;->


Thanks to Jadey36 I have a Guy drabble up. Hopefully it will kick me back to work!


@whatcatydidnext I thought you might have posted it in your Drabble, and More Drabble, but no. 
            Perhaps Guy didn't like what you wrote, and deleted it ;) 
            Anyway, hope it turns up, and have a good time in Scotland.


I thought I'd posted here? Actually on the road at the mo, on the A1 just outside Newark. We're on our way to Scotland, I posted just as we were leaving.  Bum, I'll try and find what I've done!!!!


@whatcatydidnext  I'm probably being dozy, but where have you posted the drabble?


I think there must be some sort of bug going around...Sparrows 15 is up.


whatcatydidnext  Never been to Ireland, really must put it on my list, have a pint at the Guinness brewery, and kiss the Blarney Stone ! Notice my priorities there...


@DdinaBaleft I've had 3 colds in 12 weeks! Pretty fed up with waste bins full of screwed up tissues now. Maybe it's just an allergy to real life...


@whatcatydidnext  If by reading and replying to this I have caught said bug, then you can expect the next chapter of Endgame anytime soon! 
            Will catch up with Sparrows once I've fed the family.


@whatcatydidnext You too Mrs!  Hope you've had a good one - preferably soused with sherry!? X


Ouch!  That's a long stint isn't it.   In that case, have ALL the drinks. Xx


@GBReader lol, chance'd be a good thing, still at it, but off from Tuesday for 4 whole days...whoop whoop whoop, then I hit the sherry, maybe a large G&T, possibly a snowball or two?


Merry Crimbo & A Very Happy New Year To All & Sundry, Near & Far !!!!!


@CarlyQ I should hope so!!!!!!!


@whatcatydidnext Hope you had a lovely Christmas, Caty. Happy New Year!


Thank you for following me on Twitter my lovely.
          Hope you are well? Putting up our Christmas tree today, which will be fun, but otherwise feeling slightly frazzled by all the Christmas nonsense. Looking forward to it though.
          I sent my first ever message to My Watty followers yesterday, with a reading rec which I think is right up your street.  It gets more engaging as the story goes on, you might need to bear with the first chapter.
          Here's my message. Have a good weekend Mrs T. Xx
          Dearest followers (all 8 of you; though frankly it's a miracle that I have ANY, given that I don't actually write anything - but bless you all for it - you queer lot). 
          I wanted to make a Christmas reading recommendation folks. The fragrant Em Marlow writes delectable tales featuring a tall, dark, blue eyed hero with a large, yet noble beak. 
          Her latest is 12 Years of Christmas, and it's is a cracker of a read, if you'll forgive the tired pun. It's funny, sweet, romantic, angsty and did I mention funny?  Do give it a read, make it a little present to yourself - you won't regret it.   http://w.tt/1TFZKjy
          Oh, and if you like it, spread the word - she should be more widely read than she is. 
          This is probably a once in a lifetime post, so I'll take this opportunity to wish all you delicious creatures a marvellous Christmas and a happy, healthy 2016. 
          Love ya!  


@GBReader You too my darling, merry thingy and all that jazz 
            What I love about watty, is the endless variety of good quality work. Em is, without doubt, quality


I know. It's just a complete nightmare isn't it? Couldn't put myself in their shoes.  
            Well, hope you've had a brilliant time with your sister my Li vely. Have a safe and trouble-free journey tomorrow and enjoy the rest of the story, I'm glad you enjoyed the first chapter- i know it will be right up your street - I was hooked from the first chapter in and it just kept getting better and better.   Speaking of which, I'm still addicted to your "Angel". Hope you'll get some more time to write in the NY. Haddie and her Lordling have me enthralled. 
            Have a brilliant Christmas if we don't speak. Xxx


@GBReader  Those poor blighters had a rotten deal, yet again, then Cameron turns up for a photo op! Some people  have  no pity.
            Watched the News reels with growing alarm, these places had flood precautions, the people did all the right things, and still it overwhelms. Don't let anyone try and deny climate change !
            Lol, Christmas often happened at Easter in our house,  always seemed to have that off for reasons I never fathomed. So we see it as a movable  feast, works for us.
            I read the first chapter, but I'm saving the rest for my trip home on Wednesday, looking forward to it. She's caught the holiday mix of adult/childish dreams and how much store we set on them. I like it a lot!


Thanks for all your recent votes, Caty. Hope all is well with you. Is there any more Sparrow on the horizon?


@whatcatydidnext  Yay! I look forward to reading it.


@jadey36  thank my darling, your comment about sparrows made me do some real thinking...got the next episode nearly ready. Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx