Just want you Dudes (that's my new nickname for you dudes) to know that I have an old (but still active) Wattpad account. Follow that account @AjSantos8
Also, my ally @iPercabethForever made a new story, and I'm helping her with her grammar and spelling. Yes, I know her IRL. The story is called Rise of the Undead: Survival of the Fittest. It's a zombie story. Duh. Anyway read it, please. I'm making a spinoff book which will only get released once the 12-25th chapter of her book is published. She still isn't sure when my character will appear. Yep. I have a character that I made which will there. Two, actually. Maybe even three or four of my original characters. It depends on her since it's her story. The point is, you should read that book.