So, we're in September and it's crazy! I wanted to give you all a little update: I don't know if I'm going to continue the book that I left, only because of the varying themes and I kind of want to write a book with characters and consistent story types, so I'm thinking of making and posting another Voltron-centric book but with my OC, that I've been working on since the end of the show, written in. I kind of always wanted to tell his story, and I've been writing a little here and there... if you guys are interested that would be awesome! I'll try to post here and their fo the other book, but I'm not too sure that I'll be going back to that full time like I have been putting in this current book that I've been working on. I hope that makes since. I also hope you guys enjoy the new book as much as In the Stars (if not more), it's not going to have any Voltron X OC, more just me adding onto the show, where I thought it was going to go, and diving in if my character was a part of it, like Season 1 or 2 or something. It's going to be emotional and just a wild ride! Message me if you need anything at all and I hope to start posting this month or next!