What's up?? How are ya'll doing? I have a challenge for you guys! I want all of my lovely followers to go on my reading list, and vote, comment and followers them all! Can you do it? Cuz if you do, i will do the same to you, yes, I will comment and vote your stories, not to mention i might add them on my reading list, just comment on my page to let me know. All you need to do is, like I said, go to my reading list and read read read and then vote and comment, on every chapter!!! But you have to follow them! (No cheating!!!) And I'll do the same to you! Where did this come from? Well, one of my friends said that she wished ppl would support others, maybe without even knowing them. And you know I'm all for that, so please do it!! I call it a challenge, but i should call it reality, sometimes we need to step outside the box, because it might just be a vote or a comment for you, but for others it's supporting them for there hard work! Get in on this if you truly love books and stories and supporting one another. Like always, spread love and support, and it'll come back to you:):)