Hello! Today i want to talk about a sensitive topic! Eating disorders.. this isnt to mock anyone at all! But I’m here to help! If you hurt yourself, have an eating disorder, and/or thinking about this please get professional help! If you want to vent or some comfort dms are always open! I know some of you know what eating disorders are, they include starving yourself, stress eating, forcing yourself to throw up your food, so on and so fourth! If you know someone who does this please help and/or get them professional help right away! This happens when someone feels bad about themselves and their body picture! I know a few people who do this, and i used to do it myself but I’m not saying try it! Please talk about to someone! And if you want anything to cope with your problems you can dm me straight away! I have a few ideas to keep yourself from hurting and/or thinking about hurting yourself! You can share them to anyone! This is just to spread awareness!