
does anyone have some good books about people with mental disorders or e.d.s 
          	i just want to know i'm not the only one out there rn


I've read quite a few but I can't remember most of them because I read so many books


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my sleep schedule is so fucked up that it's gotten to a point where my family and my best friends and my therapist are all concerned for me... i've been trying so hard to fix it but nothing seems to work and i just want them to happy and proud of me.


Have you tried sleeping pills? Those usually work for me when I screw up my sleep schedule somehow


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okay so i know i've already posted on this on like all of my social media's but fucking teenager posts on tumblr just reblogged one of my posts and i'm shitting my pants bc i've been following them since the third grade


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so my best friend is officially obsessed with adam from the sm6 band so i've been doing a little research on him and his family because i genuinely just don't understand it. i obviously went to their website, stalked their tiktok and all their instagrams, i even went on tumblr for a hot sec because i needed to know if there was anyone else creeped out by the fact 14 yr old girls are obsessed with this random 17 yr old. it's come to the point where i know practically everything i can about them... however there was one more place i thought i might search. Wattpad. Obviously i wasn't going to read any fan fiction i just needed to know what else there was. all i searched was sm6 and it's just adam smut. that is first of all disgusting because he is a real person. that is second of all disgusting because why tf would you want to imagine having FUCKING SEX WITH HIM. listen i have a very unhealthy obsession with sadie sink but you don't see me reading or writing smut about her. there are these things called boundaries and some people really need to learn how to respect them. his relationship and sex life are none of our business. just think about how uncomfortable he would feel if he knew about it? how uncomfortable you would feel if he knew you fucking read it. not to mention he's almost an adult. chances are they're a minor fantasizing about him and that makes me uncomfortable. listen you can do whatever you want with your life but just because you do it doesn't make it right or okay in any way shape or form. oh and don't get me started on how rude and disrespectful people are to emily... like if you want him to even consider liking you maybe don't be an asshole to his closet family member? 


you know what's funny. i have 113 books in my library and don't want to read a single one. i look for new books and can't find anything and then try to read something in my library and it just doesn't work out for me.


@wheezy_kasp_brak honestly used to do weekly/monthly (it varied) library cleanouts so it wouldn't get as bad as it is now and I've been putting the clean out off for like a year and a half now and even when I did routine cleanouts I still had like a hundred some books so I know the feeling


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@saberhagenthecat dude it took me so long to clean my library to where i am now, i used to have like six hundred or some shit and i finally narrowed it down


Heh, same, except replace the number "113" with 360