hey guys I'm sorry I haven't been online, as I said awhile ago, I'm a freshman in high school, and I've been stressed with school but I'm hoping to work on the next chapter today!
hey guys I'm sorry I haven't been online, as I said awhile ago, I'm a freshman in high school, and I've been stressed with school but I'm hoping to work on the next chapter today!
I'm sorry that I haven't been online lately but the good part is that chapter 3 of MOR is coming out at 3:00 Washington time! I hope you enjoy it! it is a short one but a funny one and I had a good time writing it!
I need help deciding apon our dear Lorali's hair color so I'm going to do a vote the options are:
Silvery White
or Strawberry blond
coment on this anonsement ples!