
OK! So having major writers block for Bloodlust meaning HELP!!! If you have read it all the way through then please help me b/c I am having writers block and just... GRRRR!!!!!!!! HELP DX


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I'm saying fuck the world today....... was up all ight crying, got no sleep b/c of it, have to work today, dont feel good b/c i was crying all night and on the way to school today..... so im just saying fuck the world...


I'm done........  Im just..... DONE...... Done with people, done with school, done with life, done with everything........ IM DONE.......... All I do is feel like crying and I can't b/c if I do I will have people on my ass about whats wrong and I just-- I CAN'T.......... I AM DONE...............


OK, So for some reason I'm extremely happy and I am wanting to know why. Like seriously I'm just-- AHHH!!!!!!!!!! XD I feel like-- I don't even know right now like that's how happy I am!!! I swear if any of you have ANY ideas, TELL ME!!!! XD I just-- AHH!!!!!!!!!!! XD


That moment when you are having a great day and then it all falls apart with one announcement........ For those of you that have not heard, if you know Kaleb Buck I am asking you all for prayers for him and his family in this time of loss........ Kaleb Buck passed due to cancer and it is hitting close to home...... If you knew or even don't know him please send us all your prayers. Kaleb we love you and are thinking of you in our hearts. We love you buddy! This is for you buddy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K9BtTrZdft8 WE LOVE YOU KALEB!!!!!!!!!!! <3


Happy Halloween to all. Sadly for "Mrs. Morticia" I am stuck at home sitting in my kitchen working on an essay for school while all my friends are out rick or treating or having Halloween parties. I hate high school and my mother. :/ Hope everyone is enjoying their Halloween. Lord knows I'm not. ;/ HAPPY HALLOWEEN FROM THE ADDAMS FAMILY and me. Mrs. Morticia!!!!!


Ok so I'm thinking about doing an A to Z letters book. Meaning that I will start from A and each letter of the alphabet will have a letter/chapter written to a person who's name begins w/that letter. Does that make sense? I hope so. Anyways so yeah let me know if you guys think I should. XD