
installing back the app for a bit to check some of my drafts and then proceed to get a comment pointing out my past work mistake and suddenly having an urge to delete the whole story lol :'D
          	i never plan out how i write my story so that's probably why there's so many inconsistencies within them like different hair color, job, or outfits ((plus i never had a beta reader haha)) thanks for pointing it out though!! i will never know them if you hadn't pointed it out lol




installing back the app for a bit to check some of my drafts and then proceed to get a comment pointing out my past work mistake and suddenly having an urge to delete the whole story lol :'D
          i never plan out how i write my story so that's probably why there's so many inconsistencies within them like different hair color, job, or outfits ((plus i never had a beta reader haha)) thanks for pointing it out though!! i will never know them if you hadn't pointed it out lol


haloo, aku balik lagi sama chapter terakhirnya reborn :D 
          makasih buat yang udah nungguin lama buat cerita ini akhirnya selesai <3 aku juga mau minta maaf kalau tulisanku canggung gitu karena bener-bener udah lama ga nulis :(( 
          tapi semoga endingnya bisa kalian terima yaa!


Punten, misi numpang lewat kak :')
          Yuk mampir dulu ke my lapak, judulnya "IGNORANCE" pemerannya VMin, yang kapal mereka hayuk lah merapat dulu.
          So, this is love? Just force selfishness and self-ignorance, then call it love? No, this is not love ... Just a mask of wounds and fakes.
          Mau tau ceritanya gimana? Langsung cap cus klik link di bawah ya, bisa juga mampir ke story pertama ku yang judulnya "My Promise" yang meranin Jimin juga loh :') 
          Yukkk lahh mampir sini, ntar dapet kasih sayang kalo baca :v
          Yang mau follow sok atuh, ntar di fb kalo minta. Feedback? Sok dm aja, no php kok
          Dah yaa, tangkyu. See you, i'm wait ya ^^


halo? aku masih hidup :D


@lulabe-e sebenernya masih bingung mau left aja atau lanjut:]


@ whippedmin  ahhh kirain dah left wp :(


Kakak cantik, reborn gmn nasibnya???


@whippedmin , Okee kakakkk. Akuh setia menunggumuuu.. Tetap semangattttt 


@QueenVicSong maaf banget belom bisa update secepatnya karena emang ritme nulisku berantakan dan tabrakan sama jadwal rl jadi ya terpaksa wattpad di anggurin:((