
Na akkor gyors kérdéseket nyilvánítok ki hozzátok:
          	   Csináljak egy OC-s fajta könyvet vagy ne? 
          	   Legyen-e egy könyv az én UT univerzumommal?  - HUN 
          	Then I will express quick questions to you:
          	   Should I make an OC kind of book or not?
          	   Should there be a book with my own UT universe?


Na akkor gyors kérdéseket nyilvánítok ki hozzátok:
             Csináljak egy OC-s fajta könyvet vagy ne? 
             Legyen-e egy könyv az én UT univerzumommal?  - HUN 
          Then I will express quick questions to you:
             Should I make an OC kind of book or not?
             Should there be a book with my own UT universe?


Nos hát akkor kezdődjön az őrület  végső pontja. Köszönöm a kedves Wattpadnak, hogy jó, hosszú idő után adott nekem egy gyönyörű segítséget, hogy ide vissza térjek, aki még itt van, hello újra.


Eyo everyone... is there any drawing requests? 
          If there are, just write and I try my best to draw it/her/him down for ya. It can be anything. 
          Alright... that's all I wanted. Good night/morning everyone!


@UTDRUVfan I see what I could do. I try my best. 


@MysteryLovillBlack Oooo. Well... Frisk? Undertale. Maybe Ink or Error, maybe I'd rather Cross. There are so many!  Okay. Just five. 
            Thats it. Maybe if you dont know these characters search in google.


Hi people! ^^ 
          Sorry for I am really slowed down with the books. My apologies for that, I try to get faster to make new pages. I am working on the The Dark Bloody Love rn. I try to finish it fast as I can. 
          Have a good day\night! ^^


Hey guys. If you guys see some of my books disappeared, that's because I don't know how to continue it or I don't have in myself that muh support to continue it. 
          So don't be suprised of some of them will disappeared I just unpublished those. 
          Thanks for reading this message to you guys.


Unholly demons in hell! 
          Hi there! 
          So I was thinking about that you guys question me things and if I can then i'll answer! 
          You can come up with any questions! Plus! New things! 
          I am able now on Twitter, Amino, Anystories and Twich! 
          Twitter: Myst3ry V3ra
          Amino: @MysteryVera9
          Anystories: Mystery Black Vera
          Twich: m_s_t_e_ry99vera
          Sooo! You guys can question me and have a good --> day/night/noon !! ^^