
I hope everyone is doing well. I'll be uploading a new chapter for Middle Ground on July 7th, and will be figuring out a schedule for a couple of other stories I've been wanting to work on as well.
          	I just wanted to post this status to thank you for following me, and also to remind you all to take care of yourselves, and stay safe.
          	Writing is a lot of work, with a significant lack of acknowledgement in the beginning. That's just the brutal truth of it. And I had to remind myself that slow and steady is far better than overdoing the hard work on my writing, and collapsing from burnout.
          	Ideally, I'd love to just toss out 5000 words a day, every day, without issue.
          	Realistically, while working a job, I'm not able to do that, no matter how hard I try, and that's okay.
          	So learn your limits, know your limits, and don't guilt trip yourself for the progress you make. This is your journey, not anyone else's. 
          	<3 I appreciate you all, and thank you again so much.


I hope everyone is doing well. I'll be uploading a new chapter for Middle Ground on July 7th, and will be figuring out a schedule for a couple of other stories I've been wanting to work on as well.
          I just wanted to post this status to thank you for following me, and also to remind you all to take care of yourselves, and stay safe.
          Writing is a lot of work, with a significant lack of acknowledgement in the beginning. That's just the brutal truth of it. And I had to remind myself that slow and steady is far better than overdoing the hard work on my writing, and collapsing from burnout.
          Ideally, I'd love to just toss out 5000 words a day, every day, without issue.
          Realistically, while working a job, I'm not able to do that, no matter how hard I try, and that's okay.
          So learn your limits, know your limits, and don't guilt trip yourself for the progress you make. This is your journey, not anyone else's. 
          <3 I appreciate you all, and thank you again so much.


I only planned on writing maybe 1,000 words today for Chapter Four of Middle Ground.
          Previous: 1,998 words
          Current: 6,606 words
          Word count right now is 6,606 words and I'm expecting to write at least 2,000 more. This is going to be a decently long chapter. ^_^
          There could be a bonus update tomorrow if all goes well. I was planning to only update weekly, just to give myself some breathing room, but it would be nice if I could keep up this momentum. 
          We'll see how it goes, I have work tonight so I'm not sure how much more I can get done.
          But I'm having a lot of fun writing this chapter. This is one of my favorite chapters so far. :D And it only gets better from here on out!
          Also, yay! Figured out how to post a status here.
          Hey everyone, haha! Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. <3