
No one reads these but I felt the need to share I just got back from watching Shang-chi and the legend of the 10 rings and lemme just say it was absolutely amazing and the end credit science just yes 


There are always three sides to every story: your side, their side, & the truth. You never really know what someone else is thinking, or if it's even true half the time. It's when someone can't make change that they often change their words, but with a lie comes remembering, and an obligation to new possibilities. 
          A liar should have a decent memory, but something we all overlook is their fear. The thing is talking about the past inclines us to be deceitful, but it's the lie that becomes apart of your future. 
          My advice to a liar: Don't lie unless you're completely certain that I'll never discover the facts.
          In my book sabotage you will be faced with a love story, filled with toxic emotions and unforgettable goodbyes. The main character Talia, does everything she possibly can to help star...but nothing ever works. The problem with that is... Love kills from the inside out, and star just so happened to be his victim. 
          Something everyone has to keep in mind to stay happy is to lose all sense of control, and the next step of course is to... stop fearing change. 
          Not many successful people come from an easy back story, and in some way, we all start at the bottom.  We all have to learn how to deal with our own problems because you can't just go back to the start and change everything... or can we?
          Read Sabotage here now: 


Hey guys um I have deleted my previous parley fan fic because I didn’t like it and it was going nowhere but I have decided to write another one and I already posted the first chapter for any of you that want to read it Im sorry about the other book but I hope you enjoy the new one <3 love y’all happy reading 


Omg thanks babe for giving me credit on Parley. Have to say it’s a great book on he making. I expect big things from this babe. They are my biggest fan and always support me when I got the biggest writers block. ❤️ Love it when that happens. I love this babe with all my heart. I’d fall for them! ❤️❤️❤️