just want y'all know. im thinking about unpublish all my work. cz im feeling little sad that y'all reading my work without leaving any vote/comment. we can be friends if y'all want it, just dm me and have a chit chat. no one appreciate my work.

@Oichii thankyou safiraa, maybe you're right. my story not interesting enough to get many vomment. i'll rewrite some story and republish it. as an author, i know i'm not supposed to think like that. thankyou for your response. im glad at least someone responding my despair. i'll think about it twice^^

@ whitefoxx18 Don't do that plz. I know u might be sad about how many vomment on ur story. But u have to be greatful that at least ur story got many readers. If ur story got less vomment, that maybe ur story not interesting enough. As an author u have to think about that. U should rewrite or fix some paragraph to increase the popularity of ur story, not unpublish it. I said this cz I am ur friend and a same author like u. I know ur feeling well. Dont unpublish ur work and keep writting.