
Hello my Whitelightning fans! For those who are reading Futuramous, I just want to keep you up-to-date that chapter 12 is coming in very well. This one is going to be one of those very long chapters out maxing 30 pages. Normally, that means a lot more to Reid and a lot more action. However, for me on my expenses when it comes to an editor, it's going to be pretty high, but whose really counting right? So, I'm hoping either this month or next month this chapter will be done. I hope all of you enjoy. Until next time, peace!


Hello my Whitelightning fans! For those who are reading Futuramous, I just want to keep you up-to-date that chapter 12 is coming in very well. This one is going to be one of those very long chapters out maxing 30 pages. Normally, that means a lot more to Reid and a lot more action. However, for me on my expenses when it comes to an editor, it's going to be pretty high, but whose really counting right? So, I'm hoping either this month or next month this chapter will be done. I hope all of you enjoy. Until next time, peace!


Hey there my Whitelightning fans! I am extremely sorry for not giving any information, updates, and etc. I've just been so distracted writing Futuramous. Also, I've been trying to save up money for an editor and unfortunately, it's going to take me a long time until I can fully correct the dark shadows. I really want to fix that one up before I give that to an editor because currently, it's a lot of money. So what I am doing for the new story that I am currently writing, I am paying this new editor chapter by chapter so it won't be extremely expensive compared to having to pay it all at once. More news which relates to my stories currently. My laptop is currently down and in July, I'm going to get it fixed so for right now, the next chapter of Futuramous will be delayed. I do apologize for that news but don't worry, we're getting to some very interesting bits. If you really like that hot scene from the end of part 10, then be ready for some more action as you discovered the world of Futuramous which is a virtual reality RPG.


Welcome everyone! Whitelightning here. I want to give you a brand new series that I am currently working with. Right now, I am in a bunch of editing with The Dark Shadows and in the meantime, if you like to explore a whole New virtual reality World. Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to join the world where technology is became so advanced where anything is possible? Well, why not give it up to Futuramous, a virtual reality cyber world where you can fight in tournaments, interact with others, join an an adventures guild, or even join the royals Kings guard to quest them for a future war that is starting to rumble over the horizon. Please as you read, to let me know what your thoughts are. The first five parts are now completed with more to come.


Welcome everyone! Sorry for the lack of updates and chapters. I have been writing Albino in White a little bit and The Dark Shadows but due to my school schedule and finals. It has been slowing me down massively but, I can promise you by January and February, there will be New chapters being released especially since there's only four more chapters left for The Dark Shadows. It's been a long road and I'm very happy and very excited to finally get this done. Now, it's time for the updates on what I am thinking of.
          so, I am halfway there on chapter 27 of The Dark shadows. I'm hoping to be done by January. it is a very long chapter and this has been taking me for about three months now. Once I am done, I will go over my work and place it in a document. Edit on what I can fix and then send it to a professional editor who I have contact with. Once he edits my work, today as I speak, I will be speaking to an art designer professor from my college and hopefully not too long after finishing this book, I will have a cover art and hopefully no later than August of next year, all the chapters will be edited And I can finally send it through draft 2 digital, Wattpad, Barnes & Noble's, Amazon, and etc. it's been a long time now and I can finally say that I'm finished.
               For the other side stories that I am writing, I am slowly going through but I have been making The Dark Shadows as my primary while leading the side stories be a relief so I don't have to think too hard when creating something new for The Dark Shadows. Once I am done, I will start creating the second book Which, the title of that will be The Dark Foggers. I am super excited to finally get everything all situated here. I'm hoping by next month I will give you an update on my progress and for all of you, merry Christmas and happy New Year's :-)
          Until next time. Peace!


Welcome all my Whitelightning fans! Some great news is that I have found an editor and as I am writing chapter 27, just like the nightmare part two, chapter 7, and chapter 16. This chapter is going to be pretty long but I might not be able to finish by September but, by the looks of things, I might be able to because my imagination had skyrocketed to oblivion lol so almost every day this week minus yesterday I have been writing chapter 27. In this chapter, I have introduced a new enemy and I have also threw some sucker punches in your face because yes, there's gonna be a lot of twists in this chapter. I am very excited especially after this chapter, there will be only three more parts to go! So thank you for standing by me through this story. It's been three years since I've been writing this and there has been times that I had writers block or other things that have been preventing me writing but I'm really glad to be finishing this novel to go ahead and start writing the second book of this series. Peace 


Welcome everyone. As the dark shadows is on its final stretch, I would like to introduce you all to a new dark fantasy called “the color is blue, how about you” different from the dark shadows but still in the same genre. This one is about a young ALF who lost her Family due to humans and as she grew up, she is a private assassin to help others but that is just a side job. Her main mission is to find those who have killed her family for retribution by taking on her first mission against the goblin mafia. Unfortunately, things went wrong for her because she thought her threats would scare them even after killing their head leader but just to find out, there’s more and they’re coming after her and the person who she saves family. If this seems interesting, please give it a read. The prologue has been published. The writing is going to look a lot better than the dark shadows. I’m still in the editing and change his stage but the only change I have done is chapter 16, Felicia was going to become a lieutenant in the military. I change her major from military to business as a second in command underneath the presidents daughter if President Judd becomes President of the United States.


Hello everyone. Whitelightning here! I want to announce the last nine parts. For chapter 24 and 25, it’s going to be the most detailed and extensive chapters due to some loose ends that need to be address for Dustin Lorencefield then after these two chapters, everything is straight forward from here which would lead to the final chapter. So thank you so much and you’ll start seeing some edited parts because I am in the middle of editing all the chapters I have wrote. So see you next time everyone.


Welcome my Whitelightning fans! As you can tell, I posted chapter 21 and chapter 22 all in one month for The Dark Shadows which means, I am back from my long hiatus. I was under a lot of stress and a slight burn out so I started doing something else but don’t worry, I am back. We are near the end and what I expect for The Dark Shadows is for me to hopefully be done by June or August the latest. Once I am fully finished, I will do some massive editing then I’ll send this through the Wattpad community and I’ll also send it through some publishers that I know for it to become an actual book. I am so excited to get back on the trail And for everyones information, I am continuing working with The Fog in the Mist of Things so please stay tune with that one too. So peace


Hey everyone. Whitelightning here. I just wanna let you know because this is delaying a little bit of chapter 21 but it is for a good cause because as you notice, I took down flashbacks part two for a temporary time because I am reconstructing it making it fully legit for it to combine through the storyline that leads into flashbacks part three that’s later down the chapters. So whoever has read to this point, go ahead once it is available to get a good look at flashbacks part two because originally what I had down was I copied and paste work from the original flashback and I noticed that was not going to help at all. You could just imagine the critical talks once this book is released. I want everything to tie in and so that’s why I got rid of basically all of it except for the bottom. Once I get it released, just let me know how you think and I will continue working with chapter 21. Thank you all. Peace


Hello my Dark Shadow fans. I do really want to apologize for the lack of updates. Have been extremely busy with baseball, creating my own choice of game, and working with my kids. I do promise by the middle of this month, chapter 20 should be up. So thank you for your patience.