@animewatcher17 you welcome :-)
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@animewatcher17 you welcome :-)
Gamer: ( Sneaks into Shining's office - > Came out pouting ) I hate Shining. Ai: Androids aren't human. Gamer: This is why I hate my pity life. Ai: If you hate it, then g- Gamer: I'll kill you if you finish that sentence!! Ai: -o commit suicide. Gamer: Baka! As Gamer was rushing to Ai, a certain guy grabbed her. Kai: I see you never changed. Gamer: Onii-chan! Kai: Why don't you let them have privacy? Gamer: Even its from you, it's a no. As one of their youngest kohais, I need to watch them. Kai: Cake? Gamer: Hai! When Gamer and Kai reached the door. Kai: You guys made the right and wrong choice. OMG! Gamer's brother is here! How is her going to expand to the story? How did the rest still didn't figure the kiss? This is too overwhelming!
Gamer: Reiji, Camus, Kurosaki, President wants you. Reiji: Aw, I was having fun Matsu-chan! Ranmaru: Come on Reiji! ( Drags Reiji to office ) Camus: Fine. You and Ai are now alone, Ai had a smirk on his face. He grabbed your hand, twirled you in his arms. Ai: You're mine. ( This story is making me very sad for some reason. ) He raised your chin, and now you had your first kiss! How adorable! But, what happened if the rest found out. Because one of us were spying on them. So how will things go? Who was spying? (The spy is kinda obvious ) Good Morning @whitematsumoto!
Reiji: Since we're alone. Ai: What do you want to do? Camus: Play it easy? Ranmaru: Or hard? @whitematsumoto , this your moment to choose your fate. Pick out the four, for the next scenario. You choose who you want to hang out in each scenario.
Gamer: It's finally morning! No Quartet Night, just m- ( Noticed Quartet Night surrounding whitematsumoto ) Someone kill me. Reiji: Aw, did someone just wake up? Gamer: I'm going back to sleep. Ai: A person can not sleep, after they're fully awake. 95.9% Impossible. Gamer: ( Face palms ) Reiji: You're just jealous, aren't you? ( Coed voice ) Gamer: ( Blushes ) In your dream! Ranmaru: Just get out of here. Gamer: I was going to eat breakfast, until you guys ruined my appetite. Camus: How dare you make make fun of a count! Gamer: Because I can. Ranmaru: Can you stop ruining the fun? Gamer: I'm not going anywhere. Ranmaru: ( Carried Gamer out of room ) Now get out! Gamer: I work/live here! ( She echoed through the rooms ) Reiji: Ran-Ran, why are you always mean to her? She is our Kohai. Gamer: Never mind, I'm quitting! ( Walks to Shining's office ) - Gamer: I hate Shining. At least my brother is coming. Reiji: At least you're going to have someone to play with. Gamer: At least your the shortest idol here. Gamer is taller than Reiji by 16 cm. They have an age difference by 10 yrs too. Reiji: Why do you have to be mean!? Ranmaru: ( Carried Gamer out of dorms, into the street. ) Enni: Baka!!!!! Now, you're alone with 4 cute/handsome guys. I wonder what you're going to do next?
whitematsumoto, your morning have been improved. But watch out, they can be feisty. :)
Reiji: Good night Matsu-chan! Ai: See you when the sun rises, my love. Camus: Women, I'll see when I awoken from me sleep. Ranmaru: ( Blushes ) Night. Gamer: I hate you guys. Ai: You have to do it, Shining-San said. Gamer: If you bring him up, I'll cry. Ai: Kisarage Aine. Gamer: Baka! Baka! Baka! ( Runs off out of sight. ) Reiji: Good Ai: Night Ranmaru: My Camus: Love Also, a good night from me!
Thank you ...arigato gozaimasu
I loved it! :-)
We both have something in common, we love being weird. Reiji: Matsu-chan and Gamer-San are so cute! Ai: Whitematsumoto is better. Ranmaru: Even I agree with the robot. Camus: She deserves a count! Gamer: Sooner or later, I'm going to kick three of your asses. Ai: Jealous? Gamer: In your dreams Ai. Camus: Peasant! You're only a thy child! Gamer: This is why I beat your asses right now. Ranmaru: Tsk, your breast are also flat. Gamer: Baka! Baka! Baka! Reiji: ( Nervous Smile ) Gamer-san, Ran-Ran, Ai-Ai, Myu-chan, why don't you stop fighting? Everyone: No! Reiji: Rei-chan sad. Gamer: You know what, I quit my job. Ranmaru: I Ai: Love Camus: You. I made a little scenario for you, I hope you like it!
Where just have the same dreams and favorites
@geraldyanimelover thanks for all the votes ....smiles ...I love your profile picture
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