Hey guys. LOVING A ROGUE IS OFFICIALLY UP. This means that finals are done!! I only have the first chapter set up so far, but I shall do my best to get more up, but be warned I still do not have a lot of time on my hands. I will be working a new job this next term (for those who are curious my school works on a trimester system) so that will require more hours as well as having a larger class load. If you guys give me incentive I will be more likely to upload chapters but I'm not promising a set schedule. I shall do my best to keep it fairly regular. Please enjoy the first chapter and like and comment. And for those of you who haven't read Forced rogues, you must read that book before loving a rogue. It won't make much sense otherwise. I do plan on making the Rogue series to be a trilogy, so you will have a third book to look forward to, but lets not get to far ahead alright? Enjoy!!