You're book is THE BEST HANDS DOWN for the theme of the male omega and female alpha I just really wish you would update it. It's such a wonderful book and I would love to continue reading it, if you need any encouragement or just need to talk you're totally welcome to pm me. The only condition is that you must update this wonderful book you have started and I hope finish.

I live both ur storys there GREAT!!!when are you gonna update

Is there going to be another chapter of Ecstasy soon? I love it so far :)

@sophie_soz yes there will be as soon as I finish the other updated for Her Omega, His Alpha c: I'm so glad you like it. Tbh you're the one that motivates me to continue writing it cuz I get so excited when I see your comments lol Thank you

Ohh please update her omega his alpha. Its a fabulous story line. Good work.

@Aish8cuddles I will soon c: I'm doing the next chapter in Adrian's point of view so it'll be a bit of a change but then I'll get back to Serenity's view again in the next

Thank you. I just put ure story in my library to read later.

I think I'm dying right now... how could you leave me hinging like that I need to know what happens next in her omega his alpha or I'll will die jk but your an amazing writer and I look forward to your next update

@xopinionated_writerx OXYGEN MAGNESIUM that is amazing and your welcome great writers should get compliments all the time you deserve a lot more votes then you have and I'll make sure to reach that out to my following as well

Hi I'm Judith and I just wanted to say that I love your book and it is pure perfection and it is the most beautiful thing to pare a omega male with a alpha female lol plz keep it up and always stay confident that your book is the definition of perfection!!! ☺️☺️☺️☺️

@judi_love thank you so so much! :) you've made my day Judith. It means a lot to me that you like my story and I really appreciate it! thank you again, I plan on updating very soon and things will get much more exciting. :)

Keep the new book cover. It's amazing.

Hello fellow therian! I'm looking for friends as well!

@whitewolf339 Yeah I've noticed there are a quite a few therians on here! I'm always happy to find new ones (:

@megschmidt96 Just checked out your profile, so you're a polytherian? awesome :3