
While I'm transferring chapters over to AO3 I'm reading the chapters aloud and doing a light edit on them on my Twitch channel tonight at 8:30pm MST. Feel free to join me for Forged in Flame!


Sad News Day! I am jumping ship. I’m moving all of my fan fiction over to AO3 as of 4/25/21. I was not pleased to find out that Wattpad was purchased by a conglomerate. To me, that means less investment in the writers and readers and more padding of their pocketbooks. And usually that comes in the form of paywalls popping up everywhere. You’ve already seen it happen with the large number of fictions being paid content. I don’t begrudge authors who are trying to develop original content, but for those of us who write fan fiction, trapping our work behind a paywall or forcing people to watch ads on the pages only makes Wattpad and its owners money from sweat, blood and tears we knew we couldn’t profit from. I was already upset at lazy upper management’s decision to terminate the message boards and this other was the last straw. The message boards was the only consistent way to advertise my stories and brought many of you wonderful folks to my profile. But when that disappeared, my reads on my original content dried up despite my extensive advertising on my social media. At that point it only made sense to self-publish and give my work the paycheck it deserved.
          Thank you everyone who has supported me over the last couple of years. Your comments and encouragement have been appreciated. You’re welcome to follow me over to AO3. I won’t block non-profile-holding readers unless people become ugly. But I don’t attract that sort of reader so it probably won’t ever be a problem. You won’t need an account to read about my Dragonriders, Smuggler or Luxens.
          Same username and story titles!


Oh no, I'm sorry to hear that :-( All the best Whitney! :-) 


Fiction Friday! Sorry Lux fans. No new chapters of Heritage this week. The week got away from me. New chapters for Never Let You Fall, though!
          Never Let You Fall (Dragonriders of Pern) - Ch. 26 & 27 Kirsa is safe in J'nis' arms but she has yet to learn her fate as a healer. What has Master Zured decided and can Kirsa live with the outcome?


Fiction Friday! Two new chapters each for Never Let You Fall (Dragonriders of Pern) and Heritage (Lux).
          Never Let You Fall (DRoP)--Kidnapped! J'nis, H'vas, and G'dran desparately search for the missing Kirsa and Eldrin. But a severe tropical storm has blown in and the missing have had all night to run. Will they be able to find her in time?
          Heritage (Lux)--Was the night before all a dream? The next morning confirms that everything that happened was very much real and that Quentin feels just as strongly as Charlotte does. Quill finally shows and Terrance re-affirms the sacred trust Charlotte has received in knowing with the Lopez siblings really are. Theo hasn't been seen yet but the Lopez's haven't given up yet on finding him-- not just for Charlotte's safety but for the tribe's and the family's as well.


New Fiction! I released three chapters of Never Let You Fall (Dragonriders of Pern) because all of the chapters are fairly short. So enjoy chapters 21, 22, and 23. For Heritage (Lux) two chapters for that story--chapters 17 and 18.
          Never Let You Fall (DRoP) - Another of Kirsa's patients nearly dies in a mysterious over-dosage and this time, Gacia is not so understanding or ready to defend her. Unable to communicate with anyone and confined her room, Eldrin finally makes his intentions clear--give herself to him and all the bad things will go away. Her life-long dream of being a healer is at stake. Will she take Eldrin up on his offer?
          Heritage (Lux) - Safe on the res at Terrance's house, the tired trio are looking forward to getting some rest. Charlotte's had time to think about everything that's happened between her and Quentin while they made their way down to Colorado, and she no longer wants to be confused or left in the dark about Quentin's feelings. She has one opportunity to tell him how she feels but will she take it?


Fiction Friday! And on time this week! Two chapters each for both Heritage (Lux) and Never Let You Fall (Dragonriders of Pern) - and they're both a doozy. Also, April is Camp NaNoWriMo -- my goal is a 50,000 word draft of a sweet romance for a new series I'm developing for my pen name, WS Deming! You can follow my progress on my Instagram account @wsdemingauthor
          Never Let You Fall (DRoP) - There are eggs on the sands! Which means G'dran will be going out on Search soon, except it looks like his first Candidate isn't very far from home. Can J'nis help the panicked Kirsa? Will Kirsa actually Stand?
          Heritage (Lux) - Tensions are at a maximum--Charlotte lied to Quentin, Theo followed them home and now it looks like their only solution is to go to the safest place for everyone to figure out their next step. The place--the Ute Mountain tribe reservation in the Four Corners area. To make matters worse, Charlotte's dreams are getting more frequent and reveal a truth that Quinn and Quentin can no longer keep from her.


Midweek Release for Never Let You Fall (Dragonriders of Pern) as promised! Chapter 18 - every healer's worst nightmare. One of Kirsa's patients overdose, though Kirsa could swear she did the dosage right. Not to mention that her work basket has disappeared. What is going on?


New Chapters went up for Heritage (Lux) this weekend. But I realized certain parts of Never Let You Fall (Dragonriders of Pern) had gotten away from me and I needed to take today to refocus it and and get it down so that the chapters would be easier to write. So, sometime mid-week there should be at least one new Never Let You Fall chapter and then more new chapters for the upcoming weekend for everyone!
          Heritage - Ch. 13 & 14 - With the murders about to force a school shutdown and missing class from her sleeping so long, Charlotte is determined to go to school to at least touch base with her professors. And, of course, Quentin insists on coming along. But she also needs to talk to Theo to find out what he did to her. Something tells Charlotte having Quentin and Theo in close proximity to each other would be like pouring water on potassium. She's about to find out how very correct she is.


Fiction Friday! Sorry about the shortie chapter on Never Let You Fall (DRoP). I had gotten busy with a few projects, including being only a few chapters away from having Heritage's draft nearly done. But it didn't give me much time to work on NLYF. So I have one short, but important chapter as we transition into some huge changes for both Kirsa and J'nis, and two chapters of Heritage for your reading pleasure!
          Heritage (Lux Series) - Charlotte has her date with Theo and he's just as charming and sexy as he was the last time they were together. But something happens, something bad, in their last encounter and it's setting off Quinn and Quentin's alarm bells!
          Never Let You Fall (Dragonriders of Pern) - Happy in her new relationship with J'nis, Kirsa feels she needs to explain things to H'vas. But her conversation with the brownrider is interrupted by Eldrin, a problem she hoped had been solved but seems is just as sinister as ever.


Fiction Friday! As a reminder for fans of Heritage - it is almost, but not quite, completely new! Read all the chapters, before you get to the new ones 9 & 10. There is new information in there and some foreshadowing of things to come!
          Two new chapters for Never Let You Fall! Ch. 15 & 16 - After Kirsa's breakdown, Gacia shows her there's a way to work through her trauma which is good because J'nis has a surprise for her--one that is very personal and solidifies the way she feels for him. Which is also good because the weyr's gold, Beljeth, just took off for her latest mating flight.