What I'm trying to get at is this lgbtq thing. I know that I will probably get much hate for saying what I'm going to say, but this is my opinion.
I used to think that lgbtq was right. That everyone should love whoever they want and be whoever they want. I used to think 'you can't choose who you love' and maybe that's true. But I realized how much the people are being pushed into thinking that homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality and so on are right when it's not.
I've been trying to find myself for some time now. And my connection to God. I think I still haven't found myself, but I feel like I have connected to a higher power.
During this time I've come to some realizations. God created only two genders. It's not coincidence that children can only be created by a man and a woman.
There is a reason why two men or two woman can't have a child.
There is a reason why you are born the gender you are.
There is no such thing as 'transgender'. You're either born a woman or a man and nobody can change this.
But all these people and the media tell us that it is right. We're being controlled and messed with.
I don't want to follow other's beliefs and opinions because I don't have an own.
So what I wanted to say was that there won't be any fanfictions by me anymore that include lgbtq. It's not that I hate or dislike people who are part of this community, no. I respect them, but I'm still against it.
You can go on and hate me for what I said, but this is my opinion; my way. Because I chose to serve only one God.