Hello all! This is a shared account between @Uzi_So_Silly and @moroxfox ! We write short stories, otherwise known as shorties as stated in our username, thrice a week! You can see all sorts of different stories (and a sneaky BTS sometimes) including but not limited to: existential criseses, make out, lore, gore, pointlessness, weirdos, and nerds. You can call us Uzi and Fox respectively. Here's when you can expect from us:                                                                     On Tuesday, Uzi writes; on Friday, we write a story together; and on Sunday, Fox writes. You can also expect stories outside of the listed schedule, occasionally for holidays or otherwise. Enjoy your stay and make sure to check out both of the accounts!
  • Joined15 hours ago


Story by wholyshorties
INTRODUCTION by wholyshorties
Here's a more in depth look into who we are and what we do here at wholyshorties.