So this is kinda important to me and stuff so like it would be cool if you read it
But I can’t make you do anything so idrc
Okay anyway I’m writing my own thing,that’s not like a fanfic it’s just my own thing lol. At first I made it so like I could write something else whenever I got writers block on my Harry Potter fanfic (because that literally happens all the time) but I’m kinda liking how it’s Turing out and I have a lot of cool ideas for it.
Pretty much I’m wondering if anyone would like kinda be interested yuh know cus I don’t really wanna post it and then be disappointed and also feeling like I need to update it for the 2 people who are actually into it.
Yea so like tell me if you’re interested if your not I’m TOTALLY fine with that pls don’t lie lol pls I wanna know the truth.
Oh ans it’s pretty much about a fūck ton of teens living in 1994. It’s like showing all the different groups and how they get to know each other sorta and how there all going through completely different stuff. Like there’s this one kid in a cult and stuff (if you read it there will be more about that lmao) and this other kids trans like yuh that’s kinda the whole idea. But anyway please tell me what you think.