Hello everyone. It's been a while (sorry about that). So I'm just going to cut straight to what this message is about.
Prim wasn't real. I (Elizabeth) made her up and I did because I felt like people were only reading my stories because I wrote about One Direction and I just wanted to start over on this website. The reason I'm telling you this is because I just want to move on from all the drama that was going on earlier this year and I feel like just getting that out of the way will help immensely and I really want to avoid anyone accusing me of stealing Prim's ideas, etc because well, she was never real. I'm so sorry for lying to you and I hope you can forgive me so that we can move on and simply use this website for what it was created to do, which is to share and enjoy stories.
I'll be renovating this account after I send out this message. Which means some stories will be deleted temporarily and re-uploaded when the others left up are finished, unless plans change or something.
Thank you guys for sticking with me even though I haven't been on here in four/five months. I hope you enjoy what I have in store for you next!
-Liz :)