
Should have an update on The Bpy Who Watched soon  @joshlerisgay


500 reads on ILYTL! I can't believe it. Thank you to everyone who stuck around to the end and thank you to everyone who proof-read for me, stayed up with me into the middle of the night and encouraged me to keep going, and everyone who helped me turn my pain into art. You all know who you are, thank you so much.


Harry, today at the musical you said, "I miss you." Even though I was standing right there. Not "missed". I just want you to know, I'm not going anywhere. I'll be right by your side, supporting you through the next 3 years, and even beyond that. I'm not going anywhere, unless you want me to, and I promise you that. You've granted me your trust, and called me your best friend, and that's exactly what I'll be.
          I had to tell you. Some of my late night thoughts  #1,698]
          You mean a lot to me, honeybee. You're a special person ♡