Are you guys ready... for the challenge?
If you have absolutely no idea what I’m talking about, good. I’ll fill you in. Scott Cawthon, as you know, is making the Ultimate Custom Night. Dawko has challenged him, and Scott has come up with his punishments if he loses. If he isn’t able to beat 50/20 and someone does coughmarkipliercough, Dawko has to create a side scrolling fangame called FANF 7, where Dawko is the main character and must reach the end to lay an offer to the supreme ruler(Scott). Dawko’s punishment for Scott if he beats 50/20, Scott will go on the FNaF show, give him a million dollars, and a signed photo of Scott holding a sign saying Dawko is better than MatPat. Dawko will still create the fangame called FANF 7, but with Scott laying the offering and Dawko being the supreme ruler. #teamscott or #teamdawko!