
The verdict of the boys’ trial was heartbreaking. I wished nothing but the best for them, and I am glad that they are able to safely put everything behind them and move forward. They were such an important part of my life for a very long time. Thank you for being a part of that ❤️


The verdict of the boys’ trial was heartbreaking. I wished nothing but the best for them, and I am glad that they are able to safely put everything behind them and move forward. They were such an important part of my life for a very long time. Thank you for being a part of that ❤️


Hello lovelies! Check in time!
          1) have you been to any concerts recently? If not, who would you love to see?
          2) Who is your favorite Marvel character ?
          3) what is your favorite place to shop for clothes
          My answers:
          1) yes! We got to see Conan Gray in Atlanta and Nashville, and we were lucky enough to meet him!!!
          2) The three peters, obviously (Peter 3 particularly)
          3) I love thrifting! We have a thrift store called Habitat for Humanity here that is my absolute favorite, though! Everything is super cheap, and they always have good stock
          I hope you all are doing well! Thank you so much for the continued support, especially on Alexa! 
          That being said, we are all aware on what is happening in Ukraine right now, so below I’m providing a link to some resources that allow you to reach out/donate. If you are able, please do! 


1.) i went to see idkhow about a month ago. i fainted 
            2.) i dont have one but probably peter (1 or 3) or wanda
            3.) romwe bc it’s cheap and yea 


Hey besties! 
          Little check in
          1.) What is your favorite drink?
          2.) What show/movie are you currently watching
          3.) What's something you're excited for this summer
          My answers:
          1.) Arizona Green Tea
          2.) NCIS and Shadow and Bone (rewatching both)
          3.) Nothing for the summer, but I think I'm going to the beach during fall break


@esninja501 1) lemonade is so underrated 2) you NEED to watch 13 going on 30 (me and my friend have watched it twice this weekend and we're going for a 3rd, I love it) 3) fun! 


@smoshjj 1) sprite is the only soda i can stand, 2) never seen either one, but I'll trust you and check them out, 3) yes! 


1. Sprite!(I like the crispness)
            2. Home improvement(show)and (movie) dead poets society(rewatching both)
            3. More time❤️


I'm also wanting to do a buddy read (idk which book I want to do it with yet) but if you have any suggestions or want to do a buddy read with me, please let me know! It will probably be a shortish ya contemporary since I've been reading a lot of fantasy lately, but I'm up for whatever as long as i have it!


@whydontweemma i wanna do it, it sounds fun


@-undercovernargle yes, basically! It just typically has less people than a book club (2-3 normally)


Okay, so, its basically illegal to print copies of fanfics for copyright issues. 
          I'm rewriting "Alexa" to have all new characters (aside from Alexa, Megan, and Bailey) and maybe a few new plotlines. I'll be updating this version on Wattpad as well, and once I get it rewritten, I'm planning on getting a copy of it printed.
          That being said, if anyone reading this knows somebody who designs book covers, please reach out and let me know! I cannot use the current cover (again, copyright issues) so I will need a new one for a print copy!
          Also, while we are here, I want to say that I am going to be making a pdf copy, as well as a paper saying that I give permission for anyone to print the book if they want to as well! With Alexa being the book I am most proud of, it is the only one I am interested in doing at this time! 


Does anybody else read their own fanfics? No? Just me? Okay
          Anyways i was reading alexa and it turns out I've mentioned my friend whose in a band before, his umbrella like sliced open my thumb
           yeah i forgot happened so good times, you can still kinda see the scar