this message may be offensive
i want to post an update about what's going on. i'm in the worst state that i've been in in awhile, and i'm not going to be able to be here right now. no, i'm not getting anyone to help out because that never works out well for me. anyways, this past weekend, i did something really dumb and very concerning. a couple of you know what that is but also know not to say anything.. anyways, this week at school has been rough.. i lost one of my best friends that turned out to be a backstabbing bitch. and not only that but wednesday night i had a conversation with a now formal friend of mine and when seeking advice in an uncomfortable situation, my teacher told the head of the department at my school who takes care of harassment. they called my mom today and turns out, i was being sexually harassed without knowing it.. so this week, my life has been falling apart. now i'm sorry for not being here, but things are super rough right now and i just need more time away.. i hope you all understand. thank you if you read this.
— ooa