
hi friends! i've decided to start posting solely on ao3 now. i know that i don't post a whole lot as is, but due to the adult nature of the things i write and the turn this site seems to be taking, i'm transferring and updating all of my stuff there. same username, same content (minus some cringey stuff tbh and potentially some editing) but i'll keep all of my past content here as long as it's allowed. 
          	i hope you're all well! i love you very much.


hi friends! i've decided to start posting solely on ao3 now. i know that i don't post a whole lot as is, but due to the adult nature of the things i write and the turn this site seems to be taking, i'm transferring and updating all of my stuff there. same username, same content (minus some cringey stuff tbh and potentially some editing) but i'll keep all of my past content here as long as it's allowed. 
          i hope you're all well! i love you very much.


          Also I don't know if any of you have read Rainbow Rowell's new book, but uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm highkey considering writing a fanfic for it. I reeeeeeeally liked it. If you haven't read it already, READ IT. IT'S FANTASTIC. But yeah. Maybe expect a Carry On fanfic in the near future? Dunno yet.


Hey just wanted to let you know I totally agree they should bring back Fosters home for imaginary friends. And I'm sorta into Shakespeare. My favorite (condensed) version I've read at school was Much ado about nothing (:


Much Ado About Nothing is soooo good! I love anything like that. It's nice to know I have such an awesome follower.