You know sometimes I wish I wonder what did I do wrong or if I said anything, just to rewind everything to get things normal but I know that I didn’t do anything wrong. Maybe you just don’t really like me and just used me as your little play toy. I’m sick and tired of always being the ugly one and second option, the not beautiful one, not the skinny enough, just a fat girl, a poor girl, not a rush girl like everyone else. Or even your type. I thought I could be a very understanding person to you and yet you left me.... you stole a kiss, you stole my heart, you stole my feelings and just decided to quickly break it so quick and go off saying things like nothing ever happened or there was not a single feeling between us both. I was starting to think we were building such a good friendship and maybe a relationship too but where is it all of a sudden?? It makes me all confused and mostly very hurt... thinking the whole time that you were a good person but this whole time you were just playing pretend to get what you want and now.... I feel foolish. Obviously you know that I am around and you can just easily give me a one call or text away and then it’s all good between us but......*sigh*........... you don’t. So I hope your happy what you got what you deserved and I didn’t because I know that I’m just hurting myself more without any answers....... I’m just a miserable girl with no chances, no hope, no wish I could ever eventually have, and most likely be by myself and I wish at least I very much wish the people or the other person that I talked to and want them to talk to me again would at least talk to me just so I know and they know we are meant to be....