
is it weird that I have another story idea in mind..?


Hey guys! So I know I haven't been updating my first book but I've honestly got writers block on that one because I really want to come up with something interesting for my readers. I did start a new book if you guys are interested in reading it, I'd really appreciate if any of you gave me some of your thoughts on it. Again I apologize but don't worry even if it takes a while I don't want to discontinue it. 


im honestly just wondering if there's anyone that's genuinely still reading my kny book and invested in the story line  because  i think i could've definitely rewrote the plot  lot more interestingly but im not planning on rewriting the book anytime soon. (it's been 4 years goddamn) i think if you guys want i can write some side stories that don't follow the plot on tumblr or something like that? I dont know what people find interesting in fanfiction anymore so if you guys have any suggestions that'd be amazing.


@Sonycatt that's really nice to hear! I am going to update it very soon since I am done with school.


Sorry I didn’t really read the part where you said that you aren’t interested in rewriting it


I know this is months apart but I really like your kny book. I was really surprised when I came upon the last chapter published. The plot is really interesting to me so if you’re willing to keep writing it or rewriting it I’d definitely read it


This is going to be a formal apology to all of my dear followers who have been waiting for both of my books to be updated. turns out, I've updated neither for around half a year, but for now I'm still editing onee-san and more chapters of crimson blood will come soon, this is a promise I will not break this time :D
          I love you all ;n


What server do you play genshin on ?


@Ventismadafackinhat I play on the European server :))


Your bio LMAO


@whynotthrowitback awh :( I’ll sacrifice my kazuha so you can get him on his rerun!


@Sushi_lover69 turns out i did NOT get kazuha. his rerun better be soon or istg.
            i did get tartaglia tho<3