
Hey thanks for voting ❤


@cclay2020 Thats unfortunate to hear, but I'm glad to hear that you will be okay. I'm happy to hear you have such an amazing friend like her. And, don't worry I'm sure they won't be at all annoyed with you :)) 


@whyrosiewhy I will be ok I just had a massive wobble after someone close left so easy, I was also getting hate for the stories but I slept on it and spoke with  a friend of mine here who is an author too and she got through to me i guess plus I love my readers so so much that I hope they won't be annoyed with me 


@cclay2020 No worries :) I'm just glad you're feeling a bit better and have decided to republish your stories. Not going to lie, I always look forward to your stories updates, and when I saw that you weren't doing so well and decided to unpublished your stories; I wanted to reach out to ask what was wrong and if you needed someone to talk to or just rant to. But, I couldn't really find the right words to start that conversation. But we're glad you're back :))❤