
Hello my loves. Bunnii here with an announcement!!
          	I know it's been long awaited but the next chapter, "Crying in the Freezer Aisle: Part 2" is officially set to be released this coming weekend!
          	Just one more scene to write and a quick run-through for edits. It's so close I can almost taste it.
          	I know it's been a long time coming and I know everyone has been patiently waiting for more content, so I wanted to thank you for the grace while I worked. I'm sorry it's taken this long.
          	You'll find more information in the chapter's notes explaining why I've been away. But for now, I'd like to ask for your continued patience as I slowly write the next installments as I'm stilling dealing with a lot on the side. And probably will be for a while.
          	That said, I've got well over 25k words written at the moment so I hope that's enough incentive to wait just a few more days. Almost there.
          	See you all soon!


@whyyoumadbruh143 You have no idea how much I needed this sweet message. All you readers of mine have always felt like such long-lost friends and I'm continually grateful for the community we have here. I hope the coming chapter is as good as we're all hoping for <3


Bunniiiiiiii! I did a happy jig when I got the notification! I’m so happy to hear from you!  25k words! Get outta here! Scram! Holy geez that’s quit a lot. I feel so happy! I feel like I’ve reunited with a long lost pal. :D <3


Hello my loves. Bunnii here with an announcement!!
          I know it's been long awaited but the next chapter, "Crying in the Freezer Aisle: Part 2" is officially set to be released this coming weekend!
          Just one more scene to write and a quick run-through for edits. It's so close I can almost taste it.
          I know it's been a long time coming and I know everyone has been patiently waiting for more content, so I wanted to thank you for the grace while I worked. I'm sorry it's taken this long.
          You'll find more information in the chapter's notes explaining why I've been away. But for now, I'd like to ask for your continued patience as I slowly write the next installments as I'm stilling dealing with a lot on the side. And probably will be for a while.
          That said, I've got well over 25k words written at the moment so I hope that's enough incentive to wait just a few more days. Almost there.
          See you all soon!


@whyyoumadbruh143 You have no idea how much I needed this sweet message. All you readers of mine have always felt like such long-lost friends and I'm continually grateful for the community we have here. I hope the coming chapter is as good as we're all hoping for <3


Bunniiiiiiii! I did a happy jig when I got the notification! I’m so happy to hear from you!  25k words! Get outta here! Scram! Holy geez that’s quit a lot. I feel so happy! I feel like I’ve reunited with a long lost pal. :D <3


Bunnii— just checking in. I hope everything is okay in your personal life. 


@Sillybeanns You're truly too kind to me. It means the world that you're taking the time to check in and give well wishes to someone like me that's but a blip in your vast and beautiful life 
            Can't say I'm being properly compensated, nor do I enjoy my job anymore  (though I did in the past) but we gotta do what we gotta do. Trying to make some life changes because I've had so many bad experiences these past few months and I can't go on like this. Trying to stay optimistic and be grateful for what I do have too, I will say that. Not always successful but I try and that's all anyone can do.
            Thank you for taking the time to ask about lil ol' me. No pressure perceived but believe me when I say I want to get out another chapter as much as you guys want me to. Doing what I can to write when I have time and will continue to do so. Hope you're having an amazing day! Big hug to you darling 


Holy moly 8 to 8. Good lord! I certainly hope you are well compensated and love your career. I am shocked! Take all the time you need. this is certainly not about pressuring you. I checked in because you had mentioned some things you had been struggling with. When I think of your story, I think about what you shared and sincerely hope you are doing well. 


@Sillybeanns Aww hey love! Thank you for being so sweet and making sure I'm doing okay. Things have been kinda hectic and my job has had me working some massive overtime. So I start at 8 and a lot of times don't finish until 8 at night. Just don't have enough energy to write after that  hopefully it's gonna let up soon so I can give you guys some more SUE content ❤️


Hello all my Stays and baby Stays! 
          We've got a chapter release! I gave a little explanation in notes as to why I've been away for so long so take a look if you're curious.
          Either way, I've missed you all ❤ glad to be back 


@whyyoumadbruh143 Wow! 2 of my fav stories/authors update in the same day, it must be my lucky day Welcome back! I literally was just checking my Wattpad a few mins ago and you weren't there but then checked my Emails and it said you updated so I rechecked and here you are  Can't wait to read it, hope you're well


Hello hello my darlings! Bunnii here with an announcement :)
          So...long time no see, I know. I'm sorry that it took me this long to return back to you all with some content (as work has been absolute HELL, especially with all the year-end changes) but I'm veeerryyy pleased to announce chapter 7 is finally finished!
          It may have taken a while but I hope 32k words is enough to make up for the wait...? Maybe...? haha
          I do have editing to do before anything else BUT the good news is that the release of "Chapter 7: Head Above Water" is slated for tomorrow, December 2nd. So buckle up cause this is gonna be one exciting whirlwind of events ;)


@whyyoumadbruh143 yeaaahhhh...I may have gotten a little carried away haha. Couldn't bring myself to break it up either. But it's actually around 34k now lol
            And thank you! I just have to last until the end of the December and hopefully things will calm :)


@whyyoumadbruh143 32k words?!?!?!  I'm so excited oh my god!!  (Also sorry work is bad at the moment, hope it improves soon!) ❤️


Hello my lovelies ❤
          Just a little check-in to see how everyone is doing. I know it's been a little while but work has been crazy so I haven't had as much time as I was hoping to be able to write. That being said, you'll be happy to know we're sitting pretty at 13k words as of right now.
          I do still have a handful of few scenes to write out but there are many more already written and waiting to be woven into the chapter. I know we're all excited, but I need to ask for just a little more patience. And I hope to come back with a release announcement next (hopefully before the Rock-Star album release!).
          P.S: The people have spoken and my new official pen name is Bunnii! Hopefully it makes it easier for everyone all the way around. Personally, I'm liking the new name hehe.
          Until next time, take care my loves!


          It brings me such great joy to finally tell you all Chapter 6 (Part 2) is done and coming your way! I have some final rounds of editing to do but the installment release shall be slated for this Sunday, 9/17. Prepare yourselves and strap in everyone, we've got a lot happening this time around and I can't wait to show you what y/n and the boys have been up to :)


@whyyoumadbruh143 Aahhhhhh!!!!! Yessss I'M SO EXCITEDDDD 


Hello my loves!
          Just a quick update this time. We're at 15k words now and I have only two scenes left. Home stretch!
          The next update you get is going to be the release date announcement. So stay tuned everyone!


@whyyoumadbruh143 W00t! Excited to see what comes next. 


Hello my lovelies!
          It's been a while, I know, and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get settled after all the big changes I had going on.
          I'm sorry to say we're not quite ready on part 2 of chapter 6 yet, but I wanted to at least update you guys and let you know we're at 10k words! It's been going really well these past few days so I've made some good progress writing. And I think you'll all enjoy the content I have to show you this installment. I'm excited at least. This is some good stuff haha
          I think I've made it past the hardest plot points so I'm hoping the rest flows pretty easily. Hopefully I can release it early September! (Yes I know we're two days away from the end of the month). Basically, I hope I can finally update soon. Until then, take care of yourselves my loves!


@whyyoumadbruh143 Ahhhhh I'm so excited!!  Look after yourself as always, don't rush and I can't wait to read it! 


@whyyoumadbruh143 Whooo! Just keep doing what you're doing and have fun with it. Can't wait to read it❤️


Hello my Stays. Hello my baby Stays.
          So a bit of a surprise for you...
          I decided to release what I have written for Chapter 6 because I have a lot of things that are going to be happening in the near future that won't leave me any time for writing.
          So in a few short hours, enjoy "Work of Art (Part 1)" ❤


Hello my Stays. Hello my baby Stays. 
          Been a little while so I felt I owe you all an update. Things aren't progressing nearly as fast as I was hoping (since I haven't had ample time to write) but you'll be happy to know the chapter is currently sitting at 11k words. Which is probably about halfway through the scenes I have planned. (I'm most looking forward to the ending hehe.)
          I'm very happy with how it's turned out so far but with everything I currently have on my plate, writing is slow-going. I wish I had more time to dedicate to it, but believe me when I say I am working on it though. I promise to let you guys know when I'm close to finishing it and when I plan to release it. Don't hold me to this, but I hope we can have it finished before the month is over. We'll see how that goes.
          In the meantime, I hope you all are doing well. I miss you guys so I can't wait to release some more content and interact with you all again here soon!
          All my love ❤


@whyyoumadbruh143 I'll be waiting patiently, take care during the process!


@whyyoumadbruh143 I am a patient reader and impatient writer. Stay safe, sane, and healthy! 


@whyyoumadbruh143 No worries, take all the time you need Hope you're doing well and can't wait for when the chapter is complete